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0.0.38 • Public • Published


AMI Pipelines is a library for creating EC2 Image Builder pipelines with configurations on a given path. EC2 Image Builder pipelines are pipelines that can help create AMI images, based on 1 or more steps, called components, in a defined image recipe. These pipelines will create the AMI's as configured. All you need is to create one or more YAML files in a given directory and the library will create the necessary CodePipelines, EC2 Image Builder pipelines and components for you.

Supported parent images:

  • CentOS7
  • CentOS8
  • Ubuntu1804
  • Ubuntu2004

This is a sample configuration:

  parent_image: AmazonLinux2 # or Ubuntu2004 or CentOS7
  cpu_type: X86_64 # or ARM_64. X86_64 is the default when the parameter is missing. ARM_64 doesn't work for CentOS 7 and is ignored.
  iops: 3000 # Optional parameter to increase GP3 IOPS.

  sources: # Sources for use in the source stage of the Codepipeline.
    - name: Bucket
      type: s3
      bucket: kah-imagebuilder-s3-bucket-fra
      object: test.zip
    - name: Codecommit
      type: codecommit
      repo_name: testrepo
      branch: develop
    name: DemoCentos
        - name: install_cloudwatch_agent # Reference to a name in the component_dependencies section
        - name: another_ec2_ib_component_from_github
        - name: install_nginx
  schedule: cron(0 4 1 * ? *)
  shared_with: # Optional: Share images with another account.
    - region: eu-west-1
      account_id: 123456789
  copy_to: # Optional: Copy images to another account.
    - region: eu-west-1
      account_id: 123456789

  - name: another_ec2_ib_component_from_github
    type: git
    branch: master
    url: git@github.com:rainmaker2k/echo-world-component.git
  - name: install_cloudwatch_agent
    type: git
    branch: master
    url: git@github.com:rainmaker2k/ec2ib_install_cloudwatch.git
  - name: install_nginx
    branch: master
    type: git
    url: git@github.com:sentiampc/ami-pipelines-base-components.git
    path: nginx # Optional: If you have multiple component configurations in this repository.
  - name: aws_managed_component
    type: aws_arn
    arn: arn:aws:imagebuilder:eu-central-1:aws:component/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-linux/1.0.0

Get started

This is a Typescript project, managed through Projen. Projen is project management tool that will help you manage most of the boilerplate scaffolding, by configuring the .projenrc.js file.

If you have not done so already, install projen through npm:

$ npm install -g projen


$ npx projen

Also install yarn.

$ npm install -g yarn

When you first checkout this project run:

$ projen

This will create all the necessary files from what is configured in .projenrc.js, like package.json, .gitignore etc... It will also pull in all the dependencies.

If everything is successful, you can run the build command to compile and package everything.

$ projen build

This will create a dist directory and create distibutable packages for NPM and Pypi.



Here is an example of a stack in CDK to create the pipelines. This example assumes you have the YAML configurations stored in .\ami_config\

from aws_cdk import core
from ami_pipelines import PipelineBuilder

import os
import yaml
import glob

class DemoPyPipelineStack(core.Stack):

    def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, construct_id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
        super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs)

        print("Creating pipeline")
        pipeline_builder = PipelineBuilder()
        pipelines = pipeline_builder.create(self, "ami_config")

This assumes you have at least one pipeline config YAML in the ami_config directory.



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  • sentiampc