
1.4.0 • Public • Published


A hardhat plugin offering the possibility to generate new contract files (.sol) out of an extensible list of contract blueprints.


Run this command to install it from NPM:

npm install --save-dev hardhat-common-tools@^1.3.0 hardhat-enquirer-plus@^1.4.0 hardhat-blueprints@^1.3.0


This is a hardhat plugin, so the first thing to do is to install it in your hardhat.config.ts file:


Once there, you can make use of it (this supports both viem-enabled and ethers-enabled projects):

Listing the available blueprints

Write this command just to start:

npx hardhat blueprint list

At first (if you did not register any new blueprint nor installed other packages that do it) you will see this content:

These are the available blueprints you can use in the `apply` command:
- contract: An empty contract
  - Arguments:
    - SOLIDITY_VERSION: The Solidity version for the new file (An X.Y.Z Solidity version in the project)
- interface: An empty interface
  - Arguments:
    - SOLIDITY_VERSION: The Solidity version for the new file (An X.Y.Z Solidity version in the project)
- library: An empty library
  - Arguments:
    - SOLIDITY_VERSION: The Solidity version for the new file (An X.Y.Z Solidity version in the project)
- existing-contract-deployment-module: An ignition module for an existing contract (by artifact ID and contract address)
  - Arguments:
    - CONTRACT_NAME: The type to use for the contract (The ID of an artifact)
    - CONTRACT_ADDRESS: The address where the contract is deployed (A checksum address)
- new-contract-deployment-module: An ignition module for a new contract (by artifact ID)
  - Arguments:
    - CONTRACT_NAME: The type to use for the contract (The ID of an artifact)

Which details many entries (there are 5 built-in entries by default), like "contract" or "interface" and 3 more.

If you expect a blueprint to be available for use, either provided by your own code or a different plugin, ensure that it is listed here (otherwise, it won't be available).

Applying a blueprint

There are certain types of blueprints here to account for:

  1. Source code blueprints. They typically come from .sol files and will end in your sources directory (e.g. your project's contracts/ directory).
  2. Ignition modules. This will be useful if your project uses hardhat-ignition. They are .js files and will end in your ignition/modules/ directory.

But, independently of the type, applying a blueprint has always this workflow:

  1. You tell which blueprint to use.
  2. You tell the name of the result file (be it a module or a contract / interface / library).
  3. You tell whatever arguments are required (and validated).

This can be done in two ways (which can be partially applied):

  1. You add a positional argument with a valid blueprint key to use (e.g. "contract") or it will be prompted for you to manually fill.
  2. You tell all the required arguments, one by one. For example, SOLIDITY_VERSION=0.8.24 (the format is: like environment variables). These are positional arguments. If you don't specify one or more of the required arguments (and with a valid value for it), it/they'll be prompted for you to manually fill them.
    1. This includes the SCRIPT_NAME argument (e.g. SCRIPT_NAME=MySampleContract for the "contract" example).
  3. The file will be immediately generated.

About the parameters

The parameter system is based on enquirer but, in this case, it has an upper level of abstraction (which is, for example, useful for describing the metadata in the list task).

So these are actually not prompts but instead presets or argument types, which are still built on top of prompts. The available argument types are strings:

  • typeName: A PascalCase name, valid for contract/interface/library names.
  • identifier: A camelCase name, valid for variable or function names.
  • contract: A reference to a contract (from compiled artifacts only).
  • numeric-string: A base-10 number. Returns a string.
  • integer-string: A base-10, or 0x-prefixed base-16, number. Returns a string.
  • bigint: A base-10, or 0x-prefixed base-16, number. Returns a bigint.
  • boolean: A boolean value. You'll use true or false there.
  • account: An account index (works both in viem and ethers).
  • address: A checksum-valid address (works both in viem and ethers).
  • smart-address: A checksum-valid address or an account index (works both in viem and ethers).
  • solidity A solidity version, in format X.Y.Z. It must be one of the versions installed in your project.
  • token-amount: A token amount with units, e.g.: "1.5ether", "2 ether", "1gwei", "0.5 gwei" or other standard units.
  • int8 to int256: A BigInt input of that size.
  • uint8 to uint256: A BigInt input of that size.
  • bytes1 to bytes32: An hexadecimal input of that (byte-wise) length.
  • string and bytes: An arbitrary string or arbitrary byte-aligned hex string.
  • Alternatively, an object. The format of this object is the same as the entries used in the prompt method in the enquirer library (but also considering the available types from the hardhat-enquirer-plus package).
  • hashed-text: A text that will be hashed with keccak256. The result is hashed with keccak256, compatible with Solidity's keccak256(abi.encodePacked(x)).
  • hashed: Either a text that will be hashed or an already-computed valid hash (as in bytes32 format). The given value may be a string (which will be hashed), a compound object like {hashed: false, value: string} (whose value will be hashed) or a compound object like {hashed: true, value: string} (whose value must be a valid bytes32 value and will not be hashed but returned as-is).

Registering a new argument type

To create an AAA-9999 argument type, not listed among these (and not wishing to use the custom object as a one-off type), you can call:

// Registering a new "plate-code" type:
    "plate-code", {
        type: "plus:given-or-valid-input",
        validate: /^[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{9}$/,
        makeInvalidInputMessage: (v) => `Invalid plate code: ${v}`,
        onInvalidGiven: (v) => console.error(`Invalid given plate code: ${v}`)
    }, "An AAA-9999 code (3 uppercase letters, 4 decimal digits)"

It will work as expected when you try to define arguments of "plate-code" type for your new blueprints.

You'll only typically need this when developing your own plugin (on top of this one) which needs to also define new types for some blueprints on its own.

Manually applying / reading arguments

Considering the given types (and new ones) you could manually implement reading arguments by invoking this method, for example:

const prompts = hre.blueprints.prepareArgumentPrompts([
        name: "fromAddress",
        description: "The source address",
        message: "Enter the source address",
        argumentType: "smart-address"
        name: "toAddress",
        description: "The destination address",
        message: "Enter the destination address",
        argumentType: "smart-address"
        name: "id",
        description: "The token id",
        message: "Enter the ID of the token",
        argumentType: "bigint"
        name: "value",
        description: "The token amount",
        message: "Enter the amount of the token",
        argumentType: "bigint"
        name: "plate-code",
        description: "A plate code",
        message: "A plate code (it will be hashed and used as data)",
        argumentType: "plate-code"
console.log(await new hre.enquirerPlus.Enquirer().prompt(prompts));

In the end, the result will be a literal object with fields id, value, data, fromAddress, toAddress.

The elements accept an initial value, which are pre-rendered values that can serve as a placeholder for the field (e.g. 1e18 for a token):

const prompts = hre.blueprints.prepareArgumentPrompts([
    // ...
        name: "value",
        description: "The token amount",
        message: "Enter the amount of the token",
        argumentType: "bigint",
        initial: BigInt("1000000000000000000")
    // ...
console.log(await new hre.enquirerPlus.Enquirer().prompt(prompts));

Compound types: arrays and tuples

Using arrays and tuples is done through custom, non-registered, prompts. However, this package offers some helpers to aid for that purpose. For example, to ask for an array of addresses and then a tuple type of (uint8, int16), this would do the full job:

const prompts = hre.blueprints.prepareArgumentPrompts([
		message: "Input an array of addresses",
		description: "An addresses array",
		name: "addresses",
		elements: {
			argumentType: "smart-address",
			message: "Element ${index}"
		message: "Input a tuple",
		description: "A tuple",
		name: "compound",
		elements: [{
			name: "foo",
			argumentType: "uint8"
		}, {
			name: "bar",
			argumentType: "int16"

await hre.enquirerPlus.Enquirer.prompt(prompts);
// It'd return something like: {
//     addresses: [
//         '0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266',
//         '0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8'
//     ],
//     compound: [ 255n, 32767n ]
// }

In order to provide some given values and force the non-interactive mode, this would also work (considering that the non-interactive mode is enabled for any type, not just tuples or arrays):

const prompts = hre.blueprints.prepareArgumentPrompts([
		message: "Input an array of addresses",
		description: "An addresses array",
		name: "addresses",
		elements: {
			argumentType: "smart-address",
			message: "Element ${index}"
		message: "Input a tuple",
		description: "A tuple",
		name: "compound",
		elements: [{
			name: "foo",
			argumentType: "uint8"
		}, {
			name: "bar",
			argumentType: "int16"
], true, {"addresses": ["0", "1"], "compound": ["0xff", "0x7fff"]});

Where the third parameter is a given value matching both names.

Also, arrays of tuples are supported (and nesting more stuff would be done in an analogous way):

const prompts = hre.blueprints.prepareArgumentPrompts([
		message: "Input an array of addresses",
		description: "An addresses array",
		name: "compounds",
		elements: hre.blueprints.tupleArgument({
			message: "Input the ${index}",
			description: "A tuple",
			name: "compound",
			elements: [{
				name: "foo",
				argumentType: "uint8"
			}, {
				name: "bar",
				argumentType: "int16"

await hre.enquirerPlus.Enquirer.prompt(prompts);

Which also supports given values and non-interactive mode:

const prompts = hre.blueprints.prepareArgumentPrompts([
		message: "Input an array of addresses",
		description: "An addresses array",
		name: "compounds",
		elements: hre.blueprints.tupleArgument({
			message: "Input the ${index}",
			description: "A tuple",
			name: "compound",
			elements: [{
				name: "foo",
				argumentType: "uint8"
			}, {
				name: "bar",
				argumentType: "int16"
], true, {"compounds": [["0xff", "0x7fff"], ["0xff", "0x7fff"]]});

await hre.enquirerPlus.Enquirer.prompt(prompts);

Notes on initial values: Initial values in subcomponents for both tuple and array values are allowed.

One-off arguments

There are cases where you'd want to use a custom argument type, and only on a specific case. This has the following considerations:

  1. You'll use few times your type, and it's kind of private to your current package (and don't want other packages to have access to it).
  2. You want to make use of the type few times or in a controlled way.

In that case, you don't invoke the registerBlueprintArgumentType utility. Instead, you'll just make use of the type declaration directly.

Sticking to the plate code example, you could use the prompt structure directly instead of declaring the type. Example:

const prompts = hre.blueprints.prepareArgumentPrompts([
        name: "fromAddress",
        description: "The source address",
        message: "Enter the source address",
        argumentType: "smart-address"
        name: "toAddress",
        description: "The destination address",
        message: "Enter the destination address",
        argumentType: "smart-address"
        name: "id",
        description: "The token id",
        message: "Enter the ID of the token",
        argumentType: "bigint"
        name: "value",
        description: "The token amount",
        message: "Enter the amount of the token",
        argumentType: "bigint"
        name: "plate-code",
        description: "A plate code",
        message: "A plate code (it will be hashed and used as data)",
        argumentType: {
            type: "plus:given-or-valid-input",
            validate: /^[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{9}$/,
            makeInvalidInputMessage: (v) => `Invalid plate code: ${v}`,
            onInvalidGiven: (v) => console.error(`Invalid given plate code: ${v}`)
console.log(await new hre.enquirerPlus.Enquirer().prompt(prompts));

Notice how the fifth argument (plate-code) doesn't have a string in its argumentType but, instead, an object defining the whole prompt structure (as it is typical for the Enquirer's prompt call).

Registering a new blueprint

To create a new blueprint, not listed among the default blueprints described here, you can call:

// Let's define two new argument types as well.
    "erc20-symbol", {
        type: "plus:given-or-valid-input",
        validate: /^[A-Z][A-Z]{2,}$/,
        makeInvalidInputMessage: (v) => `Invalid ERC20 symbol: ${v}`,
        onInvalidGiven: (v) => console.error(`Invalid given ERC20 symbol: ${v}`)
    }, "An uppercase (letter-starting) short ERC20 symbol name"
    "erc20-token-name", {
        type: "plus:given-or-valid-input",
        validate: /^[ A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/,
        makeInvalidInputMessage: (v) => `Invalid ERC20 token name: ${v}`,
        onInvalidGiven: (v) => console.error(`Invalid given ERC20 token name: ${v}`)
    }, "An ERC20 token title/name"

// Let's say it is an OpenZeppelin-based ERC20 contract.
const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, "path", "to", "my", "ERC20.sol.template");
    "erc-20", "MyERC20", "An OpenZeppelin-based ERC20 contract",
    filePath, "solidity", [{
        // You'll typically define this argument for .sol files.
        name: "SOLIDITY_VERSION",
        description: "The Solidity version for the new file",
        message: "Choose the solidity version for this file",
        argumentType: "solidity"
    }, {
        name: "SYMBOL",
        description: "The symbol for this token",
        message: "What's the symbol for your token?",
        argumentType: "erc20-symbol"
    }, {
        name: "TOKEN_NAME",
        description: "The name for this token",
        message: "Give a name/title to your token",
        argumentType: "erc20-token-name"

The same principles apply (e.g. with setting initial values).

PLEASE NOTE: You must not define the SCRIPT_NAME argument. It is already defined.

The ERC20.sol.template contents will look like this:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity #SOLIDITY_VERSION#;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

contract #SCRIPT_NAME# is ERC20 {
    constructor() ERC20("#TOKEN_NAME#", "#SYMBOL#") {}

Notice how both SCRIPT_NAME and the oter 3 arguments are defined. They'll be properly accounted for when trying the command:

npx hardhat blueprint apply erc-20 ... # the arguments here

Custom output filename

You can specify a custom file name as an optional argument to apply. Following the previous example, the call would become:

npx hardhat blueprint apply erc-20 ... --output-file MyToken # the arguments here

Doing this, the generated filename will be MyToken.sol instead of whatever is given as the internal contract name in this example. This also means that the extension should not be provided / will be ignored (or treated as part of the file name, leading perhaps to having FooContract.sol.sol instead).

Manually executing / applying a blueprint

You have two options here:

  1. Invoke the apply scoped task (running children tasks is documented in hardhat's official docs), properly specifying the arguments.

  2. Invoke hre.blueprints.applyBlueprint. For example, to apply the contract blueprint:

    // 1. nonInteractive is being set to false, thus allowing prompts
    //    if something were to be invalid. Pass it as true in your
    //    calls if you want to ensure that no interactions must occur
    //    via prompting (raising an error instead).
    // 2. Provided 0.8.24 is a valid solidity version in your project.
    //    As SCRIPT_NAME is given, also any other expected argument
    //    can also be given.
    await hre.blueprints.applyBlueprint("contract", false, {"SCRIPT_NAME": "MyContract", "SOLIDITY_VERSION": "0.8.24"});

Custom output filename

You can specify a custom file name as the fourth argument to applyBlueprint. Following the previous example, the call would become:

// 1. nonInteractive is being set to false, thus allowing prompts
//    if something were to be invalid. Pass it as true in your
//    calls if you want to ensure that no interactions must occur
//    via prompting (raising an error instead).
// 2. Provided 0.8.24 is a valid solidity version in your project.
//    As SCRIPT_NAME is given, also any other expected argument
//    can also be given.
await hre.blueprints.applyBlueprint(
    "contract", false, {"SCRIPT_NAME": "MyContract", "SOLIDITY_VERSION": "0.8.24"}, "FooContract"

Doing this, the generated filename will be FooContract.sol instead of MyContract.sol in this example. This also means that the extension should not be provided / will be ignored (or treated as part of the file name, leading perhaps to having FooContract.sol.sol instead).

New enquirer-plus types

There are two extra enquirer-plus types registered here:

  • Registered as "plus:hardhat:given-or-valid-hashed-input" and used in the "hashed-text" argument type, its class is hre.enquirerPlus.Enquirer.HashedInput and takes extra options: given (a string) and nonInteractive.
  • Registered as "plus:hardhat:given-or-valid-smart-hashed-input" and used in the "hashed" argument type, its class is hre.enquirerPlus.Enquirer.SmartHashedInput and takes extra options: given (a string, a {hashed: false, value: string} or a {hashed: true, value: string}) and nonInteractive.

They can be safely used in calls to hre.enquirerPlus.Enquirer.prompt.

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