TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.0 • Public • Published

Haxball Extended Room

Haxball Extended Room works on top of the standard Haxball API, adding new features such as modulation, types and common functionalities.

  • No need to create your own command handler -- add new commands for your room with ease.

  • Players are now organized into classes. Changing someone's admin status is as simple as setting player.admin to true. Make players bigger or smaller changing the player.radius property. The same is true for discs!

  • Pretty logging system with CSS. Logs are automatically handled by the API.

  • Simplified names.

  • A convenient module system. Stop working with a single massive Javascript file -- modularize your Haxball room.


Using NPM

npm install haxball-extended-room

Importing (ES6):

import { Room } from "haxball-extended-room";


Rooms made with Haxball Extended Room can be either coupled with Haxball.js and run from Node.js, or compiled using a bundler into a browser JS file. Here I'll be compiling it using ESBuild.

This section will use JavaScript, but elsewhere TypeScript will be used.

Setting up our project

First make sure you have npm installed. Create a folder and start a new project with:

npm init

Create a src folder where we'll insert our code and make a new bot.js file there. Install ESBuild:

npm install --save-exact esbuild

Install Haxball Extended Room if you haven't done it yet:

npm install haxball-extended-room

The structure of our project should look like this:

📦 project-name
 ┣ 📂src
 ┃ ┗ 📜bot.js
 ┣ 📂node_modules
 ┣ 📜package-lock.json
 ┗ 📜package.json
  1. Change your package.json scripts to this:
"scripts": {
  "build": "esbuild ./src/bot.js --bundle --outfile=./dist/bundle.js"

Creating our first room

Now we can get up and running with Haxball development. Open the bot.js file and write this:

const HER = require("haxball-extended-room");

const Room = HER.Room;

new Room({
    roomName: "My room",
    maxPlayers: 16,
    public: false

Now let's compile it:

npm run build

Now you can now copy the results from dist/bundle.js and paste them onto the Haxball Headless site.

Node.js & Typescript

For performance reasons, I recommended running your room with Node.js using the Haxball.js package.

First we install TypeScript and Haxball.js:

npm install typescript haxball.js

And write a main.ts file like this:

import HaxballJS from "haxball.js";
import { Room } from "haxball-extended-room";

const token = process.argv[2];

HaxballJS.then((HBInit) => {
    const room = new Room({
        roomName: "My room",
        maxPlayers: 16,
        public: false,
    }, HBInit);
    room.onRoomLink = link => console.log(link);



What all rooms in Haxball have in common is commands, but most of them aren't more than a bunch of if and elses. Commands in HER are real classes with many options such as:

  • name, aliases, description, usage
  • roles for a permission system
  • decide whether delete the user's message
  • advanced argument system for commands

An example of a command:

    name: "kick",
    aliases: ["disconnect", "out"],
    desc: "Kicks a player from the room",
    usage: "leave #id reason",
    roles: ["admin"],
    deleteMessage: true, // this is default
    func: ($: CommandExecInfo) => {
        const playerID = $.arguments[0].replace("#", "").toNumber();
        const reason = $.arguments[1] ?? "";

        const player = room.players[arg];
        if (player) player.kick(reason);

Extended player

Player is a class that extends AbstractDisc -- the class from which both the Player and Disc classes are derived. Therefore, it contains options to change the player's disc such as player.radius as well as specific player options like player.admin and even some very helpful methods -- player.ban() and player.kick() summarize it pretty well.

If that weren't enough, it also contains ways by which you can get the player's IP (player.ip)!

Some of the features are:

  • get conn (player.conn) and IP (player.ip)
  • special permission roles with player.roles (also addRole, hasRole and removeRole methods) as well as settings with the player.settings property
  • set a player's avatar using player.setAvatar()
  • send a private message to a player using player.reply()
  • get a player's team (player.team) and make them admin (player.admin = true)
  • change the player's disc with many disc properties such as radius, xgravity, xspeed, cGroup, position and much more


Modularize your room with Module.

Modules allow for loose coupling between different elements of your room.

Modules are classes with a @Module decorator (you may need to allow decorators in your TS compiler to make them work). The room object is passed when the module is instantiated. You can create events and commands inside a module.

Events are created with a @Event decorator and a class method with the same name as the event. Commands are made of @ModuleCommand() decorators and the name of the class method they precede will be the command's name.

An example of a welcome module:

import { Module, Room, createEvent, Player, Colors, ChatStyle } from "haxball-extended-room";

 * Sends a welcome message.
@Module export class WelcomeModule {
    constructor(private $: Room) {}

    /** Events */

    @Event onPlayerJoin(player: Player) {
            message: `Hey ${player.name}!`,
            color: Colors.MediumSeaGreen,
            style: ChatStyle.Bold

And a leave command module:

import { Module, Room, ModuleCommand, CommandExecInfo } from "haxball-extended-room";

 * Adds a good-bye command to the room.
export class LeaveModule {
    constructor(private $: Room) {}

    /** Commands */

        aliases: ["bb", "cya", "gn"]
    leave($: CommandExecInfo) {

You can also create custom room events with the @CustomEvent decorator:

@Module export class AFKModule {
    constructor(private $: Room) {}

    afk($: CommandExecInfo) {
        if ($.player.settings.afk) {
            $.player.settings.afk = false;
            $.room.customEvents.emit('onPlayerUnAfk', $.player);
        } else {
            $.player.settings.afk = true;
            $.room.customEvents.emit('onPlayerAfk', $.player);
    @CustomEvent onPlayerAfk(player: Player) {
        console.log(`${player.name} is AFK!`)

    @CustomEvent onPlayerUnAfk(player: Player) {
        console.log(`${player.name} is not AFK anymore!`)

Browser support

This API should work on modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari and other browsers based on them. IE is not supported.


Check the Haxball official API documentation for more information.


This is the main class by which you can control the room, the players, the events, the map as well as add commands and modules to the room.

Once instantiated, it will be added to the window object.

new (roomConfig: RoomConfigObject): Room

Creates the room with the Haxball's RoomConfigObject properties. The only difference here is that noPlayer is true by default.

const room = new Room({
    roomName: "My room",
    maxPlayers: 16,
    public: false

Room.name: string

This property is defined when instantiating the room and is read-only.

Gets the name of the room.

Room.playerName: string | undefined

This property is defined when instantiating the room and is read-only.

Gets the name of the host player. This will be undefined if the noPlayer property is set to true.

Room.maxPlayers: number

This property is defined when instantiating the room and is read-only.

Gets the maximum number of players that can join the room.

Room.geo: RoomGeoLocation | undefined

This property is defined when instantiating the room and is read-only.

This will be undefined if the geo property has not been set at instantiation.

Gets the Room's geolocation.

Room.token: string | undefined

This property is defined when instantiating the room and is read-only.

This will be undefined if the token property has not been set at instantiation.

Gets the room's token.

Room.noPlayer: boolean

This property is defined when instantiating the room and is read-only.

Defaults to true.

Whether the room has a bot player. In Haxball's API this is false by default, but it's recommended to set it to true. In the Haxball Extended Room's API it's true by default, and it's not only strongly recommended but a false noPlayer is also deprecated. Learn more here.

Room.state: Settings

Room's shared state.

This is useful if you want to share state between modules.


room.state.chatmuted = true;

room.onPlayerChat = function (player, message) {
    if (room.state.chatmuted) return false;   

Room.customEvents: EventEmitter

Node.js event emitter for the implementation of custom events.


room.customEvents.emit('onPlayerAfk', player);

room.customEvents.on('onPlayerAfk', (player: Player) => onPlayerAFK(player));

Room.logging: boolean

Defaults to true.

Whether to use the room's own extended logger.

Room.noPermissionMessage: MessageObject

This is setter only.

The message a player receives when they don't have enough permissions to run a command.

Room.players: PlayerList

This is getter only.

The list of online players.

Each player is represented by a number property in the PlayerList object, which is their ID.

When a player leaves the room, the property is deleted.


// Gets the name of the player whose ID is 1.

// Gives admin to the player whose ID is 5.
room.players[5].admin = true;

Room.discs: Disc[]

This is getter only.

The list of discs in the current map. Excludes the players' discs.

Room.scores: ScoresObject

This is getter only.

This will be null if no game is in progress.

The room's scores object.

Room.CollisionFlags: CollisionFlagsObject

This is read only.

A list of all Haxball's collision flags.

Room.ball: DiscPropertiesObject

This is getter only.

This will be null if no game is in progress.

The ball disc.

Room.discCount: number

This is getter only.

This will be null if no game is in progress.

The total number of discs in game.

Room.commands: Command[]

This is getter only.

The list of commands.

To add or remove commands use room.command() and room.removeCommand().

Room.password: string | null

This will be null if not password is set at the moment.

Gets the room's password.

Lock the room with a password using room.setPassword().

Room.prefix: string

Defaults to "!".

The prefix for the room's commands.

Room.modules: ModuleList

This is getter only.

The list of modules loaded to the room.

Room.native: RoomObject

This is getter only.

Gets the Haxball's native room object.

Room.paused: boolean

This is getter only.

Whether the room is paused or not.

Room.command(options: CommandOptions): void

Adds a command to the room.

Room.removeCommand(name: string): void

Deletes a command from the room.

Room.module<T>(Module: HERModule<T>, options?: ModuleOptions): this

Adds a module to the room.

Room.removeModule<T>(moduleOrName: string | HERModule<T>): void

Removes a module from the room.

Room.isGameInProgress(): boolean

Returns whether a game is in progress.

Room.chat(message: string, playerID?: number): void

This is deprecated!

This method was intended to work with noPlayer: false, but nowadays noPlayer: false is not recommended anymore and is only mantained due to backwards compatibility by the Haxball API. Use send() instead.

Room.unban(id: number): void

Unbans a player based on their past ID.

Room.unbanAll(): void

Unbans all banned players.

Room.setScoreLimit(limit: number): void

If a game is in progress this method does nothing.

Changes the score limit of the room.

Room.setTimeLimit(limit: number): void

If a game is in progress this method does nothing.

Changes the time limit of the room.

Room.setStadium(stadium: {} | DefaultStadiums): void

If a game is in progress this method does nothing.

Changes the room stadium.

This method combines both setCustomStadium and setDefaultStadium.

stadium should be either an HBS map in JSON or a default stadium name.

Room.lockTeams(): void

Locks the teams.

When teams are locked players cannot move themselves unless an admin moves them.

Room.unlockTeams(): void

Unlock the teams.

Room.setTeamColors(team: TeamID | "all", teamColors: TeamColors): void

Changes the uniform of a team.

The team property can be set to "all" to set colors for both teams.

Room.start(): void

If a game is in progress this method does nothing.

Starts the game if none is in progress.

Room.stop(): void

If a game is not in progress this method does nothing.

Stops the game in progress.

Room.pause(): void

If a game is not in progress this method does nothing.

Pauses the game.

Room.unpause(): void

If a game is not in progress this method does nothing.

Unpauses the game.

Room.startRecording(): void

Starts recording a Haxball Replay. Don't forget to call stopRecording() to prevent a memory leak.

Room.stopRecording(): Uint8Array

Returns null if no recording is in progress.

Stops the recording.

Room.setPassword(password: string): void

Locks the room with a password.

Room.clearPassword(): void

Clears the room password.

Room.enableCaptcha(): void

Forces players to solve a captcha before joining the room. Good to prevent automated attacks.

Room.disableCaptcha(): void

Disables the captcha requirement.

Room.reorderPlayers(ids: Array<number>, moveToTop: boolean): void

First all players listed are removed, then they are reinserted in the same order they appear in the list.

moveToTop is whether players should be inserted at the top or at the bottom of the list.

Room.send(options: MessageObject): void

Sends an announcement.


room.send({ message: "Hello world!" });
room.send({ message: "What a beautiful day!", color: Colors.Yellow, style: ChatStyle.Bold });

Room.setKickRateLimit(min: number, rate: number, burst: number): void

Limits the number of kicks in a period of time. Good to prevent cheating.

min is the minimum number of logic-frames between two kicks. It is impossible to kick faster than this.

rate is similar to min but lets players save up extra kicks to use them later depending on the value of burst.

burst determines how many extra kicks the player is able to save up.

Room.onPlayerJoin(player: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

Event called when a player joins the room.

Room.onPlayerLeave(player: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

Event called when a player leaves the room.

Room.onTeamVictory(scores: ScoresObject): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

Event called when a team wins the game.

Room.onPlayerChat(player: Player, message: string): boolean | void

This is a room event and is setter only.

Event called when a player sends a message.

If the event function returns false the message will not be sent.

Room.onPlayerBallKick(player: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

Event called when a player kicks the ball.

Room.onTeamGoal(team: TeamID): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

Event called when a team scores a goal.

Room.onGameStart(byPlayer?: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

byPlayer will be null if the game is started programatically (such as the Room.start() method).

Event called when the a game is started.

Room.onGameStop(byPlayer?: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

byPlayer will be null if the game is started programatically (such as the Room.stop() method).

Event called when the game is stopped.

Room.onPlayerAdminChange(changedPlayer: Player, byPlayer?: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

byPlayer will be null if the player's admin status is changed programatically (such as the Player.admin property).

Event called when a player's admin status is changed.

Room.onPlayerTeamChange(changedPlayer: Player, byPlayer?: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

byPlayer will be null if the player is moved programatically (such as the player.team property).

Event called when a player is moved to another team.

Room.onPlayerKicked: (kickedPlayer: PlayerObject, reason?: string, byPlayer?: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

byPlayer will be null if the player is kicked programatically (such as the Player.kick() method).

Event called when a player has been kicked from the room.

This event is always called after the onPlayerLeave event.

Warning: bans have been moved to onPlayerBanned!

Room.onPlayerBanned: (bannedPlayer: PlayerObject, reason?: string, byPlayer?: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

byPlayer will be null if the player is kicked programatically (such as the Player.ban() method).

Event called when a player is banned from the room.

This event is always called after the onPlayerLeave event.

Room.onGameTick(): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

Event called when the game ticks (60 times per second).

This event will not called if no game is in progress or the game is paused.

Room.onGamePause(byPlayer?: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

byPlayer will be null if the game is paused programatically (such as the pause() method).

Event called when the game is paused.

Room.onGameUnpause(byPlayer?: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

byPlayer will be null if the game is unpaused programatically (such as the pause() method).

Event called when the game is unpaused.

After this event there's a timer before the game is fully unpaused, to detect when the game has really resumed you can listen for the first Room.onGameTick event after this event is called.

Room.onPositionsReset(): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

Event called when the discs' positions are reset after a goal.

Room.onPlayerActivity(player: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

Event called when a player gives signs of activity, such as pressing a key.

This is useful for detecting inactive players.

Room.onStadiumChange(newStadiumName: string, byPlayer?: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

byPlayer will be null if the stadium is changed programatically (such as the setStadium() method).

Event called when the stadium is changed.

Room.onRoomLink(link: string): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

Event called when the room link is obtained.

Room.onKickRateLimitSet(min: number, rate: number, burst: number, byPlayer?: Player): void

This is a room event and is setter only.

Event called when the kick rate is set.


This class represents a player in the room. You can get a list of all online players with room.players. To get a specific player, use room.players[playerID].

Players are discs, so all discs properties (except Disc.color and Disc.index) also applies to players. When the player is not in a game, the disc properties will return undefined.

Player.name: string

This property is read-only.

Gets the player's name.

Player.id: number

This property is read-only.

Gets the player's ID. Each time a player joins the room, a new ID will be assigned. IDs never change.

Player.auth: string | undefined

This property is read-only.

Can be null if the ID validation fails.

The player's public ID. Players can view their own IDs here.

The public ID is useful to validate whether a player is who they claim to be, but can't be used to verify whether that player isn't someone else.

Which means it's useful for implementing user accounts, but not useful for implementing a banning system.

Player.conn: string

This property is read-only.

A string that uniquely identifies the player's connection.

If two players are in the same network then they will have equal conns.

This property is based on the player's IP. A decoded version with the full IP can be found in the ip property.

Player.ip: string

This property is read-only.

The player's IP, decoded from the conn property.

Player.settings: Settings

Player custom settings.

This is useful if you want to create your own properties for your players.


// Creates a prefix for your players' messages
room.onPlayerJoin = function (player) {
    // Set up prefix setting
    player.settings.prefix = "[Top 1]";

room.onPlayerChat = function (player, message) {
    // Override the player's message with the new prefix setting
    room.send({ message: `${player.settings.prefix} ${player.name}: ${message}` });
    return false;

Player.setAvatar(avatar: string): void

Overrides the player's avatar.

Player.clearAvatar(): void

Removes the overrider for the player's avatar.

Player.kick(reason?: string): void

Kicks the player from the room.

Player.ban(reason?: string): void

Bans the player from joining again.

Haxball bans are IP bans, so if the player changes their IP, they will be able to join the room again.

Player.reply(message: MessageObject): void

Sends a private message to the player.

Player.canKick(disc: Disc): boolean

Checks whether a player is in a kickable distance relative to the specified disc.

Player.addRole(role: Role): void

Attaches a new role to the player.

Player.removeRole(role: Role): void

Removes a player's role.

Player.hasRole(role: Role): boolean

Checks whether a player has the specified role.

Player.roles: Role[]

This is getter only.

The player's roles.

Roles are used as a permission system by commands.

If a command has been defined with a certain role, it'll check whether the player has it too.

The "admin" role is restricted and will be automatically assigned to players with admin status.

Player.team(): TeamID

The player's team.

Player.admin(): boolean

The player's admin status.

Player.position(): Position

The player's position on the map.

Player.tag(): string

The player's tag (name #id).

Player.mention(): string

The player's mention (@player).


This class represents a disc on the map. You can get all available discs using Room.discs.

Properties may return number | null | undefined depending on whether the disc is on the map at the moment. Generally, if they're not on the map they will return undefined.

Players are discs, so all discs properties (except Disc.color and Disc.index) also applies to players. When the player is not in a game, the disc properties will return undefined.

Disc.x: number | null | undefined

The x coordinate of the disc's position.

Disc.y: number | null | undefined

The y coordinate of the disc's position.

Disc.xspeed: number | null | undefined

The x coordinate of the disc's speed vector.

Disc.yspeed: number | null | undefined

The y coordinate of the disc's speed vector.

Disc.xgravity: number | null | undefined

The x coordinate of the disc's gravity vector.

Disc.ygravity: number | null | undefined

The y coordinate of the disc's gravity vector.

Disc.radius: number | null | undefined

The disc's radius.

Disc.bCoeff: number | null | undefined

The disc's bouncing coefficient.

Disc.invMass: number | null | undefined

The inverse of the disc's mass.

Disc.damping: number | null | undefined

The disc's damping factor.

Disc.cMask: number | null | undefined

The disc's collision mask.

Represents which groups the disc can collide with.

More information here.

Disc.cGroup: number | null | undefined

The disc's collision groups.

More information here.

Disc.color: number | null | undefined

The disc's color.

Set the value to -1 to make the disc transparent.

Disc.distanceTo(disc: AbstractDisc): number | null

Returns null if one of the discs is not in the game.

The distance between two discs.

Disc.collidingWith(disc: AbstractDisc): boolean

Whether two discs are colliding.

Disc.settings: Settings

Same as Player.settings.


A class that represents a command. You can add a command to the room using Room.command() and remove it with Room.removeCommand(). To get all commands on the room use Room.commands.

Command.name: string

This property is read-only.

Gets the command's name.

Command.aliases: string[]

The command's aliases.

Command.roles: (Role | string)[]

The permission roles.

If a player doesn't have all the specified roles, they will be blocked from running the command.

Command.desc: string

The command's description.

Useful for a help command.

Command.usage: string

The command's usage.

Useful for a help command or an error message.

Command.deleteMessage: boolean

Defaults to true.

Whether to delete the player's message.

Command.func: CommandFunc

The command's function.

A CommandFunc is a function with a CommandExecInfo parameter: (info: CommandExecInfo) => void.

Command.isAllowed(player: Player): boolean

Whether the player is allowed to run this command based on their roles.

Command.run(info: CommandExecInfo): void

Runs the command.


A special class that works as a list of players. You can get the room's player list using Room.players.

Every property with a number as a key is a Player. The key is their ID: [id: number]: Player. When a player leaves the property is deleted.

You can also iterate over this object.

PlayerList.size: number

How many players are on the list.

PlayerList.add(player: Player): void

Adds a player to the list.

PlayerList.remove(player: Player | PlayerObject | number): void

Removes a player from the list.

player can be a Player, a native PlayerObject or a player ID.

PlayerList.get(predicate: number | ((player: Player) => boolean)): Player | undefined

Gets a player from the list.

If you're using this to find players by their ID, consider using players[id] instead.

predicate can be a player ID or a function.

PlayerList.getAll(predicate: (player: Player) => boolean): PlayerList

Gets multiple players based on a filtering function.

PlayerList.values(): Array<Player>

Gets an array with all players on the list.

PlayerList.order(room: Room): PlayerList

Gets the players according to their order in the native getPlayerList() method.

PlayerList.first(): Player

Gets the first player on the list.

PlayerList.last(): Player | undefined

Gets the last player on the list.

PlayerList.getByName(name: string): PlayerList

Gets a player by their name.

PlayerList.getByAuth(auth: string): Player | undefined

Gets a player by their public ID.

PlayerList.getByConnOrIP(connOrIP: string): PlayerList

Gets players by their conn or IP.

PlayerList.kick(reason?: string): void

Kicks all players on the list.

PlayerList.ban(reason?: string): void

Bans all players on the list.

PlayerList.spectators(): PlayerList

Gets the room's spectators.

PlayerList.red(): PlayerList

Gets the red team's players.

PlayerList.blue(): PlayerList

Gets the blue team's players.

PlayerList.teams(): PlayerList

Gets the red and blue teams' players.

PlayerList.admins(): PlayerList

Gets all players with admin status.

PlayerList.reply(message: MessageObject): void

Sends a private message to all players on the list.

PlayerList.toString(): string

String representation of a PlayerList.


Modules are classes that contains a @Module decorator.

When a module is loaded using Room.module(), three arguments are passed in the constructor: the room object, a ModuleSettings object and a Translator function.

Inside modules you can create new commands using the @Command() decorator and assign new events with the @Event decorator.


This should be passed as the second parameter of the Room.module() method.

It can contain two properties:

ModuleOptions.settings?: ModuleSettings

Some settings you want the module to have. For example, an AFK command module could be called like this:

room.module(AFKModule, {
    settings: {
        blockAFKInGame: true,

And in the AFK command:

    usage: "afk"
afk($: CommandExecInfo): void {
    if ($.room.state.blockAFKInGame && $.room.isGameInProgress() && $.player.team !== Teams.Spectators) {
        return $.player.reply({ message: "You can't be AFK mid game!" });

ModuleSettings is defined as [setting: string]: string | boolean | number | {}.

ModuleOptions.languagePack?: { [key: string]: string }

An option to translate a module's messages. Modules that have a Translator function will replace the original string by a languagePack's property value if the property key matches the Translator name parameter.

For example:

Inside the module:

$.room.send({ message: this.translate("%% is not AFK anymore!", "UN_AFK", $.player.name) });

When calling the Room.module() method:

room.module(AFKModule, {
    languagePack: {
        "UN_AFK": "%% ya no es AFK!" // Now Spanish speakers will be able to understand our module!


(original: string, name: string, ...params: string[]) => string

A function passed as a argument to the module's constructor.

With this you can create multilingual module.

An example:

this.$.send({ message: this.translate("%% scored a goal! %% - %%", "GOAL_SCORED", player.name, scores.red, scores.blue) });


Decorators are used to declare metadata information. There are three special decorators we can use to create modules:


Declares that a class is a module.

@Module class AFKModule { }
@Command(options?: Omit<CommandOptions, "func" | "name">)

Transforms a Module class' method into a command. The method's name is the command's name and the method itself is the func property.

help($: CommandExecInfo): void {}
    usage: "afk"
    desc: "Becomes AFK."
help($: CommandExecInfo): void {}

The room event whose name matches a method's name with this decorator will execute that method. Methods are always executed before events defined in the Room object.

@Event onPlayerJoin () {

A custom event that can be called with room.customEvents.emit().

@CustomEvent onPlayerAfk(player: Player) {
    console.log(`${player.name} is AFK!`);

A full example of a module


import { Room } from "haxball-extended-room";
import { AFKModule } from "AFKModule";

const room = new Room({
    roomName: "My room",
    maxPlayers: 16



import { Module, Room, ModuleSettings, Translator, Command, CommandExecInfo, Teams, Event, Player } from "haxball-extended-room";

@Module export class AFKModule {    
    constructor(private $: Room, private settings: ModuleSettings, private translate: Translator) {}
    /** Commands */

        usage: "afk"
    afk($: CommandExecInfo): void {
        if ($.room.state.blockAFKInGame && $.room.isGameInProgress() && $.player.team !== Teams.Spectators) {
            return $.player.reply({ message: this.translate("You cannot be AFK mid-game!", "AFK_ERR_1") });

        if ($.player.settings.afk) {
            $.player.settings.afk = false;
            $.room.send({ message: this.translate("%% is not AFK anymore!", "UN_AFK", $.player.name) });
            $.room.customEvents.emit('onPlayerUnAfk', $.player);
        } else {
            if ($.room.state.afkable === false) {
                return $.player.reply({ message: this.translate("You cannot be AFK now!", "AFK_ERR_3") });
            $.player.settings.afk = true;
            $.room.send({ message: this.translate("%% is now AFK!", "AFK", $.player.name) });
            $.room.customEvents.emit('onPlayerAfk', $.player);

            if ($.player.team !== Teams.Spectators) $.player.team = Teams.Spectators;
    /** Events */

    @Event onPlayerTeamChange(changedPlayer: Player) {
        if (changedPlayer.team !== Teams.Spectators) {
            if (changedPlayer.settings.afk) {
                changedPlayer.team = Teams.Spectators;
                this.$.send({ message: this.translate("%% is AFK and cannot be moved!", "AFK_ERR_2", changedPlayer.name) });


readonly CommandOptions.name: string;

The command's name.

CommandOptions.aliases?: string[];

The command's aliases.

CommandOptions.desc?: string;

The command's description. Useful for a help command.

CommandOptions.usage?: string;

The command's usage. Useful for a help command or an error message.

CommandOptions.roles?: (string | Role)[];

The permission roles.

If a player doesn't have all the specified roles, they will be blocked from running the command.

CommandOptions.deleteMessage?: boolean;

Whether to delete the player's message.

CommandOptions.func: CommandFunc;

The command's function.


CommandExecInfo.player: Player

The player who ran the command.

CommandExecInfo.message: string

The player's message.

CommandExecInfo.room: Room

The room object.

CommandExecInfo.at: Date

When the command was executed.

CommandExecInfo.arguments: CommandArgument[]

A list of arguments passed to the command.


CommandArgument.number: boolean

RegExp: /^\d+$/

Whether it is a valid number.

CommandArgument.yesno: boolean

RegExp: /^(y(es)?|n(o)?)/i

Whether it is a "yes" or a "no".

CommandArgument.password: boolean

RegExp: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_@.!*$?&%-]{1,16}$/i

Whether it is a valid password string according to our standards.

CommandArgument.extended: boolean

RegExp: /^[a-zA-Z0-9\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u024F]*$/i

Whether it is alphanumeric (with * and $ as exceptions).

CommandArgument.specialExtended: boolean

RegExp: /^[a-zA-Z0-9\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u024F_@.!*$?&%-]*$/i

Includes @.!?&%- to the extended option.

CommandArgument.toNumber(): number

Parses the argument to a number.

CommandArgument.toString(): string

Returns the argument itself.


[setting: string]: any


message: string

A message to be sent.

targetID?: number

The ID of the player this message is directed to. If undefined then it will be sent to every player in the room.

color?: number | string

The color of the message.

Preferably this should be a color integer. For example, 0xFFFFFF (which returns 16777215) is the white color.

style?: ChatStyle

The style of the message. It can be "normal", "bold", "italic", "small", "small-bold" or "small-italic".

Default is "normal".

sound?: ChatSounds

The sound the message will produce. 0 is none, 1 is normal and 2 is notification.


The colors of a team.

This site may help you with team colors.

angle: number

The angle of the stripes.

textColor: number

The color of the player's avatar.

colors: number[]

The colors of the stripes. It can contain up to 3 colors, which correspond to 3 stripes.


Helpful enums for Haxball development.

These are also available on the window object.


Red, Blue and Spectators teams.


Haxball's default stadiums.


A list of sounds for room announcements.


A list of styles for room announcements.


A huge list of colors.




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  • gabrielbrop