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A simple library for running tests in a Chrome headless environment. No other tools, webservers, etc., needed.

Who is Hephaestus For?

Hephaestus was primarily built for developers working on front-end modules or web components. It provides a simple webserver and testing system using the Chrome headless API and Mocha to test your front-end code.

Hephaestus is not intended to help perform tests in environments where a custom webserver is needed/employed, as it was only meant to test front-end code.


Installing Hephaestus is as simple as installing it globally with NPM:

npm i -g hephaestus

And then, per project, installing Hephaestus in your project as a dev dependency:

npm i --save-dev hephaestus

Once Hephaestus is installed, you need to provide a simple config file in your project, and then you can start running tests. See Setup Project Config for more information.

Setup Project Config

In order for Hephaestus to function properly, you'll need to create the hephaestus-config.js file in your project root. In that file, you'll need to specify the webserver root, and what files to test.

Specific configuration documentation is provided below.

Here's an example config setup:

module.exports = {
    webserverBase: __dirname,
    testFiles: [

Let's break it down; the webserverBase property sets the base folder for the Hephaestus webserver to run from. __dirname in this case is an alias provided by Node, which points to the current directory. In other words, this sets the webserver root to project root.

Next, the testFiles array is a list of URLs (from your webserver base) for Hephaestus to load and use as test harnesses.

For more information on test harnesses, see the Creating a Test Harness documentation.

Creating a Test Harness

In order to run tests, you will need to make a "Test Harness", which is a fancy term for a HTML file that contains your code, a basic page, and Mocha Javascript tests to test your code in that page's environment.

You can create the HTML file anywhere in your project, and name it whatever you want, you will just need to add it to the testFiles array in your Hephaestus config file.

First, create a basic HTML file, with the basic HTML boilerplate, something like below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>Test HTML</title>

Then we'll add in the Mocha and Hephaestus resources, and your tests. This is extremely similar to the standard Mocha setup for browser testing, just with a little bit of help from the Hephaestus reporter.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>Test HTML</title>
        <!-- Mocha resources -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js"></script> 
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/node_modules/mocha/mocha.css" />
        <!-- Hephaestus helper script -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/node_modules/hephaestus/src/SimpleHelper/SimpleHelper.js"></script> 
        <!-- This is where you'll put your own HTML for testing -->
        <!-- Hephaestus Setup + Mocha Start -->
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var simpleHelper = new SimpleHelper();
                ui: "bdd",
                reporter: simpleHelper.reporter()
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/node_modules/browser-assert/lib/assert.js"></script> 
        <!-- Your Testing Code -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/test.js"></script> 
        <script type="text/javascript">

At this point, you're ready to run tests in your /tests/test.js file. Just add in what HTML and/or JS you need in the page to run your tests, and you should be ready to start running tests!

Running Tests

Assuming you've installed Hephaestus and you've setup your test harnesses and Hephaestus config properly, you're ready to start running tests.

Tests can simply be run with the following command:


And you will see a visual representation of your tests, including pass/fails.

Note: For those of you using CI servers, the hephaestus CLI tool does return a non-zero exit code when you don't have 100% passing tests, so it is useable on tools like Travis.CI


This is the configuration file created per-project to control how Hephaestus functions. It has a number of options, documented below. All the options should be exported using Node's module.exports.

Name Key Value Required? Description
Webserver Base webserverBase String Yes Path to the folder that will be used as the webserver root when testing.
Test Files testFiles Array Yes A list of URLs (from the webserver base) that lead to test harness HTML files
Webserver Only webserverOnly Boolean No Defaults to false. If true, will just run the webserver without running tests. Useful for testing/debugging test harnesses




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