- Requirements
- heroku cli application must be installed.
wget -qO- https://cli-assets.heroku.com/install-ubuntu.sh | sh
- heroku cli must have been succesfully logged into prior to running this application.
heroku login
- Environment variable HEROKU_APP_NAME must be defined, as this is the application that will be updated.
How this works:
When the application is ran, any environment variable that matches
- "HEROKU_ENV_" will be pulled into an array.
- "HEROKU_ENV_" will be stripped from each found environment variable, leaving remaining text as KEY
- Each environment variable found will be first unset at configure HEROKU_APP_NAME application
- Each environment variable found will be then set with designated values within HEROKU_APP_NAME application Sets environment variables within Heroku application for any environment variable locally matching HEROKU_