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Heroku Tools

A CLI Wrapper for Everyday Commands

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herokutools is a command-line interface (CLI) wrapper designed to simplify and streamline the process of interacting with your Heroku app. This tool provides a set of easy-to-use commands that help you interact with your Heroku apps more efficiently.


  • Fetch logs for your Heroku apps with a single command.
  • Support for multiple Heroku apps through environment variables.
  • Easy setup and installation.
  • Built with TypeScript and Commander.js for robust and type-safe command handling.


Before using herokutools, ensure that you have the following:

  • A Heroku account. If you don't have one, you can sign up at Heroku.
  • At least one Heroku app. You can create a new app using the Heroku Dashboard or the Heroku CLI.

Without a Heroku account and app, you will not be able to use the features provided by this tool.


  • Install the package globally:
npm i -g herokutools

Environment Variables Documentation

herokutools uses environment variables to manage configurations for different Heroku apps. These environment variables allow you to set default values that the tool will use when no specific options are provided.

Available Environment Variables

  • HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1: The default Heroku app name used when no options are provided.
  • HEROKU_TOOL_APP_2: The Heroku app name used when -i 2 is specified.
  • HEROKU_TOOL_APP_3: The Heroku app name used when -i 3 is specified.

Setting Environment Variables

You can set these environment variables in your shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc, .zshrc, .bash_profile, etc.) or directly in your terminal session.

Example: Setting Environment Variables in .bashrc or .zshrc

export HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1=my-default-app
export HEROKU_TOOL_APP_2=my-second-app
export HEROKU_TOOL_APP_3=my-third-app

After adding these lines, reload your shell configuration:

source ~/.bashrc  # or source ~/.zshrc

Example: Setting Environment Variables in the Terminal

export HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1=my-default-app
export HEROKU_TOOL_APP_2=my-second-app
export HEROKU_TOOL_APP_3=my-third-app

Using Environment Variables in herokutools

When you run commands with herokutools, it will use the environment variables you have set to determine the default Heroku app names.

Example: Fetching Logs with hl

If you have set HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1 to my-default-app, running the hl command without any options will fetch logs for my-default-app:


To fetch logs for the app set in HEROKU_TOOL_APP_2, use the -i option:

hl -i 2

Example: Scaling and Restarting Dynos with hd

To scale the dynos for the default app (stored in HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1) to 2:

hd web 2

To restart the dynos for the default app:

hd -r


  • Ensure that the environment variables HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1, HEROKU_TOOL_APP_2, and HEROKU_TOOL_APP_3 are set in your environment to use the index options effectively.
  • The commands use the Heroku CLI internally to manage the apps, so make sure you have the Heroku CLI installed and authenticated.


hl Command Documentation


The hl command is a CLI wrapper for fetching logs from your Heroku apps. It provides an easy way to view logs for your Heroku applications.


hl [options]


  • -i, --index [index]: Index of the app to log. Valid values are 1, 2, or 3. If no index is provided, it defaults to the app name stored in process.env.HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1.
  • -a, --app [app name]: Logs for your Heroku app. If not provided, it defaults to the saved app name based on the index.


Default Usage

If no options are passed, the command will fetch logs for the app name stored in process.env.HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1.


Using Index

To fetch logs for the app name stored in process.env.HEROKU_TOOL_APP_2:

hl -i 2

Using App Name

To fetch logs for a specific app name:

hl -a my-heroku-app

Environment Variables

  • HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1: The default Heroku app name used when no options are provided.
  • HEROKU_TOOL_APP_2: The Heroku app name used when -i 2 is specified.
  • HEROKU_TOOL_APP_3: The Heroku app name used when -i 3 is specified.

hd Command Documentation


The hd command is a CLI wrapper for scaling and restarting dynos for your Heroku apps. It provides an easy way to manage the number of dynos running for your application and reset them when needed.


hd [options] [dyno] [quantity]


  • -a, --app [app name]: The Heroku app name. If not provided, it defaults to the saved app name based on the index.
  • -r, --restart: Restart the dynos for the specified app.


Scale Dynos

To scale the dynos for a specific app to 3:

hd -a my-heroku-app web 3

To scale the dynos for the default app (stored in HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1) to 2:

hd web 2

Restart Dynos

To restart the dynos for a specific app:

hd -a my-heroku-app -r

To restart the dynos for the default app (stored in HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1):

hd -r

Environment Variables

  • HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1: The default Heroku app name used when no options are provided.
  • HEROKU_TOOL_APP_2: The Heroku app name used when -i 2 is specified.
  • HEROKU_TOOL_APP_3: The Heroku app name used when -i 3 is specified.

he Command Documentation


The he command is a CLI wrapper for managing environment variables for your Heroku apps. It provides an easy way to get, set, and remove environment variables.


he [options] [key] [value]


  • -a, --app [app name]: The Heroku app name. If not provided, it defaults to the saved app name based on the index.
  • -s, --set [key] [value]: Set the value of an environment variable.
  • -r, --remove [key]: Remove an environment variable.


Get Environment Variable

To get all environment variables for a specific app:

he -a my-heroku-app -g

To get the value of an environment variable for the default app (stored in HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1):


Set Environment Variable

To set the value of an environment variable for a specific app:

he -a my-heroku-app MY_VAR=my_value

To set the value of an environment variable for the default app (stored in HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1):

he MY_VAR=my_value

Remove Environment Variable

To remove an environment variable for a specific app:

he -a my-heroku-app -r MY_VAR

To remove an environment variable for the default app (stored in HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1):

he -r MY_VAR

htr Command Documentation


The he command is a CLI wrapper for transferring a heroku app to a different user.


he [options] [key] [value]


  • -a, --app [app name]: The Heroku app name. If not provided, it defaults to the saved app name based on the index.
  • -e, --email <email>: Get the value of an environment variable.


  • Ensure that the environment variables HEROKU_TOOL_APP_1, HEROKU_TOOL_APP_2, and HEROKU_TOOL_APP_3 are set in your environment to use the index options effectively.
  • The command uses the heroku logs -a <app_name> --tail command internally to fetch and display the logs in real-time.

First Stable Version

We are excited to announce that the first stable version of herokutools will be 1.0.0. This release will include all the core features, including fetching logs, scaling and restarting dynos, and setting environment variables for your Heroku apps.

Stay tuned for the release, and thank you for your support and feedback during the beta phase!

For more information, refer to the source code.

GitHub commit activity

Inspiration by: ctsrc and his repotools

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  • devboidesigns