
1.0.12 • Public • Published

Highmark Client

Highmark's bundled client for viewing HTML.

This client is optionally used by the CLI tool for viewing the HTML created from Markdown and Markdown Style documents.



Highmark is a document preparation system inspired by Markdown and TeX. There are several packages in the distribution.

Only the CLI tool is needed by end users. All of the other packages are likely only of interest to prospective developers.


If you would like to contribute or would simply like to have a look at the code, you can clone the repository with Git...

git clone https://github.com/djalbat/highmark-client.git

...and then install the dependencies with npm from within the project's root directory:

npm install


Before starting you must find an index.html file generated by Highmark to serve. If you have no alternative then generate one by cloning The Occam User Manual repository and using the Highmark CLI Tool. Along with the index.html file, the image and font folders are ignored in this repository. So you can copy across the images from the aforementioned repository and also grab the fonts from the Highmark Fonts repository. Links to the fonts and CLI tool are above in case you missed them.

There is a small development server that can be run from within the project's directory with the following command:

npm start

The example will then be available at the following URL:


The source for the example can be found in the src/example.js file and correspondingsrc/example folder. You are encouraged to try the example whilst reading what follows. You can rebuild it on the fly with the following command:

npm run watch-debug

The development server will reload the page whenever you make changes.

One last thing to bear in mind is that this package is included by way of a relative rather than a package import. If you are importing it into your own application, however, you should use the standard package import.


Automation is done with npm scripts, have a look at the package.json file. The pertinent commands are:

npm run build-debug
npm run watch-debug





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MIT, Anti-996

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3.1 MB

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  • djalbat