
1.21.1 • Public • Published


A static site generator that generates routes based on directories naturally.

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Hikaru is a command line program (not a module) and you can install it from NPM, since Hikaru v1.14.0, it is recommended to install it locally in your site dir and run it with npx:

$ npm i -s hikarujs && npx hikaru i

Hikaru works on Node.js v18.12.0 LTS or later.

Setup site

$ mkdir hikaru-site && cd hikaru-site
$ npm install --save hikarujs hikaru-generator-feed hikaru-generator-sitemap hikaru-generator-search
$ npx hikaru init --debug

Install theme

Clone theme

Using hikaru-theme-aria as example:

$ git clone https://github.com/AlynxZhou/hikaru-theme-aria.git themes/aria

Or if you want commit the whole site you can use submodule:

$ git submodule add https://github.com/AlynxZhou/hikaru-theme-aria.git themes/aria

Edit config

$ $EDITOR site-config.yaml

Set themeDir to themes/aria:

themeDir: themes/aria

Copy theme config to site dir and edit it:

$ cp themes/aria/theme-config.yaml theme-config.yaml
$ $EDITOR theme-config.yaml

Create src file

Edit file

$ $EDITOR srcs/my-first-post.md

Add front matter

title: My First Post
created: 2018-08-08T09:27:00
layout: post

Add content

Some content...


# This is my first post!

Start live server

$ npx hikaru serve --debug

Build static files

$ npx hikaru build --debug


If you want to contribute, please follow my coding style.

Most things can be fixed by standardx and custom eslint rules, so please run npm test before commit, and use npx standardx --fix bin/* hikaru/*.js tests/*.js to fix most problems, and fix remaining problems that cannot pass tests manually.

I'll list personal flavors that cannot be handled by eslint here. If some things are not listed, follow existing code.

Arrays, Objects or Sets, Maps

If we have some simple types and we want to exclude same elements, just use Set.

If we want a dictionary to store keys and values, and keys are not fixed, just use Map.

Otherwise, use Arrays and Objects, for example lists, queues or dictionaries that have fixed keys.

If we got parsed Objects and Arrays, for example options from YAML files or data from JSON files, don't convert them into Maps and Sets except we need to do other operations on them.

for...of, for...in, .forEach(), .map()

If we are not only doing some operations to array elements but also caring about their return values, just use .map().

If we just do some opeartions to array elements but not caring about return values, don't use .map().

If we are iterating Objects, use for...in.

Otherwise, use for...of.

Never use .forEach() unless you cannot use for...of, they are almost the same and we learn for in the first coding lesson so why not for?

class or .prototype

I just prefer class.

Common JS or ES Module

I personally like Common JS, but more and more libraries uses ES module, so use ES module.


Docs: https://hikaru.alynx.one/

Repo: GitHub

Default theme ARIA: hikaru-theme-aria

My blog built with Hikaru and ARIA: 喵's StackHarbor



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  • alynxzhou