An homebridge plugin that create an HomeKit dimmer accessory mapped on MQTT topics.
Follow the instruction in homebridge for the homebridge server installation. The plugin is published through NPM and should be installed "globally" by typing:
npm install -g homebridge-mqtt-dimmer
Remember to configure the plugin in config.json in your home directory inside the .homebridge directory. Configuration parameters:
"accessory": "mqtt-dimmer" "name": "<name of the dimmer>" "url": "<url of the broker>" // i.e. "http://mosquitto.org:1883" "username": "<username>" "password": "<password>" "caption": "<label>" "onValue": "<on value(default: true)>" "offValue": "<on value(default: false)>" "topics": "statusGet": "<topic to get the status>" "statusSet": "<topic to set the status>"