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1.2.3 • Public • Published

Homebridge Philips Hue Sync Box Plugin

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Table of Contents

Homebridge plugin for the Philips Hue Sync Box.

The Sync Box can be exposed as a lightbulb. The following features are supported:

  • On/Off
  • Brightness

The Sync Box can be exposed as a switch. The following features are supported:

  • On/Off

You can also enable additional TV accessories that support:

  • Switching HDMI inputs
  • Switching modes
  • Switching intensity
  • Switching entertainment areas

Each of the additional TV accessories supports the iOS remote widget:

  • Up/down: change brightness
  • Left/right: change intensity
  • Select (center button): toggle modes
  • Information button: toggle HDMI inputs
  • Play/Pause: toggle on/off

Additionally, each TV accessory can have an integrated lightbulb with support for:

  • On/Off
  • Brightness

Important: TV accessories must be added to HomeKit manually, the logs show the pin for adding them (should be the same pin as for the plugin).


Plugin Installation

Homebridge UI (Recommended)

  1. Open the Homebridge UI.
  2. Open the Plugins tab, search for homebridge-philips-hue-sync-box, and install the plugin.
  3. Get the Sync Box access token as described below.
  4. Configure the plugin via the Homebridge Config UI


  1. Install the plugin using hb-service add homebridge-philips-hue-sync-box or npm i -g homebridge-philips-hue-sync-box if you are not using hb-service
  2. Get the Sync Box access token as described below.
  3. Configure the plugin in Homebridge's config.json file, see Configuration for the details.

Get Sync Box Access Token

You have to create new credentials to communicate with the Philips Hue Sync Box:

  • Make sure the Sync Box is on
  • Make sure synchronization is stopped
  • Make an HTTP POST request to https://<SYNC-BOX-IP>/api/v1/registrations
  • The body of the request has to be JSON: { "appName": "homebridge", "appSecret": "MDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDA=", "instanceName": "homebridge" }
  • The first response to the request will be { "code": 16, "message": "Invalid State" }
  • IMPORTANT: Now, click and hold the button of the Sync Box until the LED switches to green. Immediately release the button as soon as the LED is green! It will switch to white again.
  • Immediately make the request again
  • The response contains an accessToken string


  • One way to do this is to enter the following into the Terminal: curl -H -k "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"appName": "homebridge", "appSecret":"MDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDA=", "instanceName": "homebridge"}' https://<SYNC-BOX-IP>/api/v1/registrations, replacing <SYNC-BOX-IP> with the IP address of your Sync Box.
  • Another way may be to use tools like Postman. Set the request method to POST and enter https://<SYNC-BOX-IP>/api/v1/registrations as the request URL (replace <SYNC-BOX-IP> with the IP address of your Sync Box). Next, open the tab "Body", set the type to "raw" and select "JSON" as the content type in the dropdown. Then, enter { "appName": "homebridge", "appSecret": "MDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDAwMTExMDA=", "instanceName": "homebridge" } into the text box for the body. Click on the "Send" button at the top right to send the request. If an issue occurs due to a certificate error, you can disable certificate verification in Postman. Go to the global settings, open the tab "General" and disable the toggle switch for "SSL certificate verification".

Multiple Sync Boxes

WARNING: If you currently have a sync box setup, setting a uuidSeed will remove all of the accessories and create new ones. You may leave this config blank on at most 1 Sync Box.

In order to support multiple Sync Boxes, you have to run multiple instances of this plugin. Each instance must have a unique uuidSeed value. This value is used to differentiate the accessories in HomeKit. If you have existing accessories, changing this value will cause them to be removed and re-created. HomeKit will consider these as new accessories and you will need to setup them up again.

You will need to add multiple platforms to your config.json file. This can be found at https://<homebridge_host>/config in the UI or <homebridge_config_dir>/config.json. Each platform must have a a platform value of PhilipsHueSyncBoxPlatform.

Important Notes

  • The uuidSeed value must be unique for each Sync Box. "" is a valid value for at most one Sync Box.
  • Changing the uuidSeed value will cause the accessories to be removed and re-created. HomeKit will consider these as new accessories and you will need to setup them up again and remove the unresponsive ones.
  • The name value should be unique for each Sync Box, this improves the logging output.
  //rest of config
  platforms: [
      platform: 'PhilipsHueSyncBoxPlatform',
      name: 'LivingRoomPhilipsHueSyncBoxPlatform',
      syncBoxIpAddress: '<SYNC-BOX-1-IP-ADDRESS>',
      syncBoxApiAccessToken: '<SYNC-BOX-1-ACCESS-TOKEN>',
      uuidSeed: 'LivingRoom',
      // rest of config
      platform: 'PhilipsHueSyncBoxPlatform',
      name: 'BedroomPhilipsHueSyncBoxPlatform',
      syncBoxIpAddress: '<SYNC-BOX-2-IP-ADDRESS>',
      syncBoxApiAccessToken: '<SYNC-BOX-2-ACCESS-TOKEN>',
      uuidSeed: 'Bedroom',
      // rest of config


Name Description Type Default Required Allowed Values
syncBoxIpAddress The IP address of your Philips Hue Sync Box. string Yes
syncBoxApiAccessToken The access token that you get while registration. string Yes
defaultOnMode The mode that is used when switching the Sync Box on via HomeKit. Possible values are video, music, game or lastSyncMode. string video No video, music, game, lastSyncMode
defaultOffMode The mode that is used when switching the Sync Box off via HomeKit. Possible values are powersave or passthrough. string passthrough No powersave, passthrough
baseAccessory Determines the type of the base accessory for the Sync Box. Possible values are lightbulb, switch or none. If none is used, no base accessory is exposed. string lightbulb No lightbulb, switch, none
tvAccessory Enables a TV Accessory for switching the inputs of the Sync Box. boolean false No
tvAccessoryConfiguredName Sets custom name for the HDMI Input TV. Overwrites names configured HomeKit. string No
tvAccessoryType Type of icon that the Apple Home app should show. Possible values are tv, settopbox, tvstick or audioreceiver. string tv No tv, settopbox, tvstick, audioreceiver
tvAccessoryLightbulb Enables an integrated lightbulb for the TV Accessory for switching the inputs. boolean false No
modeTvAccessory Enables a TV Accessory for switching the modes (video, music, game) of the Sync Box. boolean false No
modeTvAccessoryConfiguredName Sets custom name for the Mode TV. Overwrites names configured HomeKit. string No
modeTvAccessoryType Type of icon that the Apple Home app should show. Possible values are tv, settopbox, tvstick or audioreceiver. string tv No tv, settopbox, tvstick, audioreceiver
modeTvAccessoryLightbulb Enables an integrated lightbulb for the TV Accessory for switching the modes. boolean false No
intensityTvAccessory Enables a TV Accessory for switching the intensity (subtle, moderate, high, intense) of the Sync Box. boolean false No
intensityTvAccessoryConfiguredName Sets custom name for the Intensity TV. Overwrites names configured HomeKit. string No
intensityTvAccessoryType Type of icon that the Apple Home app should show. Possible values are tv, settopbox, tvstick or audioreceiver. string tv No tv, settopbox, tvstick, audioreceiver
intensityTvAccessoryLightbulb Enables an integrated lightbulb for the TV Accessory for switching the intensity. boolean false No
entertainmentTvAccessory Enables a TV Accessory for switching the entertainment area of the Sync Box. boolean false No
entertainmentTvAccessoryConfiguredName Sets custom name for the Entertainment TV. Overwrites names configured HomeKit. string No
entertainmentTvAccessoryType Type of icon that the Apple Home app should show. Possible values are tv, settopbox, tvstick or audioreceiver. string tv No tv, settopbox, tvstick, audioreceiver
entertainmentTvAccessoryLightbulb Enables an integrated lightbulb for the TV Accessory for switching the entertainment areas. boolean false No
updateIntervalInSeconds The interval in seconds in which the plugin polls the Sync Box for updates. integer 5 No
uuidSeed Only set this if you're running multiple instances of this plugin to differentiate the accessories. If you have existing accessories, changing this will cause them to be removed and re-created. HomeKit will consider these as new accessories and you will need to setup them up again. string No
apiServerEnabled Enables an HTTP API for controlling the Sync Box. boolean false No
apiServerPort The port that the API (if enabled) runs on. Defaults to 40220, please change this setting if the port is already in use. integer 40220 No
apiServerToken The token that has to be included in each request of the API. Is required if the API is enabled and has no default value. string No
  "platforms": [
      "platform": "PhilipsHueSyncBoxPlatform",
      "syncBoxIpAddress": "<SYNC-BOX-IP-ADDRESS>",
      "syncBoxApiAccessToken": "<ACCESS-TOKEN>",
      "defaultOnMode": "video",
      "defaultOffMode": "passthrough",
      "baseAccessory": "lightbulb",
      "tvAccessory": false,
      "tvAccessoryConfiguredName": "Sync Box Input",
      "tvAccessoryType": "tv",
      "tvAccessoryLightbulb": false,
      "modeTvAccessory": false,
      "modeTvAccessoryConfiguredName": "Sync Box Mode",
      "modeTvAccessoryType": "tv",
      "modeTvAccessoryLightbulb": false,
      "intensityTvAccessory": false,
      "intensityTvAccessoryConfiguredName": "Sync Box Intensity",
      "intensityTvAccessoryType": "tv",
      "intensityTvAccessoryLightbulb": false,
      "entertainmentTvAccessory": false,
      "entertainmentTvAccessoryConfiguredName": "Sync Box Area",
      "entertainmentTvAccessoryType": "tv",
      "entertainmentTvAccessoryLightbulb": false,
      "updateIntervalInSeconds": 5,
      "uuidSeed": "livingroom",
      "apiServerEnabled": false,
      "apiServerPort": 40220,
      "apiServerToken": "token"


This plugin also provides an HTTP API to control some features of the Sync Box. It has been created so that you can further automate the system with HomeKit shortcuts. Starting with iOS 13, you can use shortcuts for HomeKit automation. Those automations that are executed on the HomeKit coordinator (i.e. iPad, AppleTV or HomePod) also support HTTP requests, which means you can automate your Sync Box without annoying switches and buttons exposed in HomeKit.

If the API is enabled, it can be reached at the specified port on the host of this plugin.


The token has to be specified as value of the Authorization header on each request:

Authorization: <YOUR-TOKEN>


Use the state endpoint to retrieve the state of the Sync Box. The HTTP method has to be GET:


The response is a JSON object, looking like this:

	"hue": {
		"bridgeUniqueId": "ID1",
		"bridgeIpAddress": "",
		"groupId": "1",
		"groups": {
			"1": {
				"name": "Living Room TV area",
				"numLights": 1,
				"active": true,
				"owner": "HueSyncBox (ID2)"
			"2": {
				"name": "Bedroom TV area",
				"numLights": 2,
				"active": false
		"connectionState": "streaming"
	"execution": {
		"mode": "video",
		"syncActive": true,
		"hdmiActive": true,
		"hdmiSource": "input4",
		"hueTarget": "1",
		"brightness": 200,
		"lastSyncMode": "video",
		"video": {
			"intensity": "moderate",
			"backgroundLighting": true
		"game": {
			"intensity": "intense",
			"backgroundLighting": false
		"music": {
			"intensity": "high",
			"palette": "melancholicEnergetic"
		"preset": null


Use the state endpoint to set state of the Sync Box. The HTTP method has to be POST:


The body of the request has to be JSON and can contain any/some/all of the following values:

    "hue": {
		"bridgeUniqueId": "ID1",
		"bridgeIpAddress": "",
		"groupId": "1",
		"groups": {
			"1": {
				"name": "Living Room TV area",
				"numLights": 1,
				"active": true,
				"owner": "HueSyncBox (ID2)"
			"56169ef5-be8e-4866-adce-ff3800aca35e": {
				"name": "Bedroom TV area",
				"numLights": 2,
				"active": false
		"connectionState": "streaming"
	"execution": {
		"mode": "video",
		"syncActive": true,
		"hdmiActive": true,
		"hdmiSource": "input4",
		"hueTarget": "1",
		"brightness": 200,
		"lastSyncMode": "video",
		"video": {
			"intensity": "moderate",
			"backgroundLighting": true
		"game": {
			"intensity": "intense",
			"backgroundLighting": false
		"music": {
			"intensity": "high",
			"palette": "melancholicEnergetic"
		"preset": null


Setup Development Environment

To develop Homebridge Philips Hue Sync Bridge you must have Node.js 18 or later installed, and a modern code editor such as VS Code. This plugin uses TypeScript to make development easier and comes with pre-configured settings for Prettier and ESLint. If you are using VS Code install these extensions:

Install Development Dependencies

Using a terminal, navigate to the project folder and run this command to install the development dependencies:

npm install

Build Plugin

TypeScript needs to be compiled into JavaScript before it can run. The following command will compile the contents of your src directory and put the resulting code into the dist folder.

npm run build

Link To Homebridge

Run this command so your global install of Homebridge can discover the plugin in your development environment:

npm link

You can now start Homebridge, use the -D flag so you can see debug log messages in your plugin:

homebridge -D

Watch For Changes and Build Automatically

If you want to have your code compile automatically as you make changes, and restart Homebridge automatically between changes you can run:

npm run watch

This will launch an instance of Homebridge in debug mode which will restart every time you make a change to the source code. It will load the config stored in the default location under ~/.homebridge. You may need to stop other running instances of Homebridge while using this command to prevent conflicts. You can adjust the Homebridge startup command in the nodemon.json file.

Help! I'm Having Issues!

If you are having issues with this plugin, please check the following:

If you're still having issues, let us know by opening an issue on GitHub. Please fill out the template with as much information as possible to help us help you.

I Have an Idea for a New Feature!

If you have a feature request, please checkout our Contribution guide and open a feature request issue

I Want to Contribute!

If you want to contribute to this project, please checkout our Contribution guide. We welcome contributions of all kinds!

Code of Conduct

Please checkout our Code of Conduct for more information.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.


This plugin was originally developed by Lukas Rögner

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