
1.2.2 • Public • Published


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Homebridge plugin for Tadiran AC units controlled by the Tuya


Tadiran IoT

Integration is known to work both with Tadiran app and Tuya Smart app, but will probably work with and Tuya clone apps.



check with: node -v & homebridge -V and update if needed


To use this plugin, follow the steps below:

  1. Install homebridge using: sudo npm install -g homebridge --unsafe-perm
  2. Install this plugin using: sudo npm install -g homebridge-tadiran-ac
  3. Update your configuration file. See config-sample.json in this repository for a sample.

To get ID and key Watch this video.

Fan speeds & "AUTO" speed

Available fan speeds are: AUTO, LOW, MIDDLE, HIGH. Since HomeKit control over fan speed is with a slider between 0-100, the plugin converts the steps you have in the Tadiran app to values between 1 to 100, when 100 is highest and 1 is auto. setting fan speed to zero will shut off the device

Issues & Debug

If you experience any issues with the plugins please refer to the Issues tab or Tadiran-AC Discord channel and check if your issue is already described there, if it doesn't, please create a new issue with as much detailed information as you can give (logs are crucial).

if you want to even speed up the process, you can add "debug": true to your config, which will give me more details on the logs and speed up fixing the issue.

Support homebridge-tadiran-ac

homebridge-tadiran-ac is a free plugin under the GNU license. it was developed as a contribution to the homebridge/hoobs community with lots of love and thoughts. Creating and maintaining Homebridge plugins consume a lot of time and effort and if you would like to share your appreciation, feel free to "Star" or donate.


CodeTheWeb - Original tuya repo Amoo-Miki - Tuya plugin core Rayan Khan - Tuya plugin improvements

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npm i homebridge-tadiran-ac-andy

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  • andybenichou