A simple approach to local development for WordPress. Using this tool, you'll get a per-project installation of WordPress using Laravel's Homestead.
Have the requirements met below, then simply run:
npm install -g homepress
homepress start
During install, Homestead
will ask if you want to add your new local dev site IP address to your hosts file. Hint: you do.
Have Node/NPM, Virtual Box and Vagrant
- Be on OSX or Linux (until someone does a PR for Windows)
- Node.js
- Virtual Box
- Vagrant
Have an ssh key in your
If you already have node, update it:
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
Also Have Composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
If you already had composer, update it! composer self-update
Other Commands
Init Everything: homepress start
OR homepress init
Update your WordPress Version: homepress wp-update
Generate new WordPress salts: homepress wp-salts
Install VM Only (because you already have WordPress): homepress vm-init
Start the VM: vagrant up
Stop/Halt the VM: vagrant halt
SSH into the VM: vagrant ssh
Bonus: Connecting to MySQL Manually
If you use a tool like Sequel Pro, you'll want to use these connection settings to connect to Mysql within the VM.
- Setup connection details:
- Host:
- User: homestead
- Password: secret
- Database: homestead
- Port: 33060
To develop and test this locally, simply do this:
git clone https://github.com/lasergoat/homepress.git
cd homepress
npm install
cd ../
mkdir test
cd test
Then, every time you edit a file in homepress, run this command:
cd ../homepress && npm link && cd ../test && homepress start
This will avoid creating vm and WordPress files within the homepress directory