
1.0.17 • Public • Published

Hono Astro Adapter

This is a simple adapter that allows you to use a Middleware to handle the SSR of your Astro project.


Use your favorite package manager to install the adapter.

bun add hono-astro-adapter
npm install hono-astro-adapter
yarn add hono-astro-adapter
pnpm add hono-astro-adapter


1. Set up the Adapter

Add the adapter to your astro.config.mjs file.

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import honoAstro from "hono-astro-adapter";

// https://astro.build/config
export default defineConfig({
	output: "server", // or hybrid if you want to use SSR and SSG
	adapter: honoAstro(),

2. Build your project

Build your project using the astro build command.

bun | npm | yarn | pnpm run build

3. Import and set up your hono server

import { Hono } from "hono";
import { serveStatic } from "hono/bun"; // Import the serveStatic from your favorite runtime
import { handler as ssrHandler } from "./dist/server/entry.mjs"; // Import the handler from the built project

const app = new Hono();
app.use("/*", serveStatic({ root: "./dist/client/" })); // Serve the static files
app.use(ssrHandler); // Use the SSR handler

// Start the server as inidicated by the runtime in the hono documentation
console.log("Server is running on http://localhost:3000");
export default {
	fetch: app.fetch,
	port: process.env.PORT ?? 3000,

4. Run your server and enjoy

Run your server and enjoy the SSR capabilities of your Astro project.

	bun src/index.js

Render your custom 404 page

To render a custom 404 page, you can create a 404.astro file in your project and the adapter will render it when a route is not found. you You have to set the next parameter in the midleware to undefined to render the 404 page.

app.use((ctx) => ssrHandler(ctx)); // Use the SSR handler 


you can pass locals to the SSR handler by passing an object to the handler function.

app.use((ctx, next) => ssrHandler(ctx, next, { title: "Hello World" })); // Use the SSR handler 

And you can access the locals in your astro pages or API routes with the locals object.

const locals = Astro.locals;

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  • josedv1