
1.4.7 • Public • Published

Hoosat Create

Hoosat create is a npx script that creates React 18.2 full-stack server side rendering ESM project for you, where you can use Typescript to build web applications. It uses @Hoosat-Oy/hoosat-template to build React project with SSR and Typescript.

Command to run

npx hoosat-create@latest

Commandline arguments

  • submodule
  • --destination
  • --author
  • --license
  • --keywords
  • --keywoordsList
  • --gitInit
  • --hoosatui

For example:

npx hoosat-create@latest --destination "new_project" --author "Toni Lukkaroinen" --gitInit Y --hoosatui Y

Now it will ask the rest like license in the process. Which you can default just by pressing enter.

Submodule creation

The following command creates an empty git submodule for you to start working on code that will be shared with another project later.

npx hoosat-create@latest submodule --destination "src/client/submodule"

Technologies Used

  • React-helmet-async 1.3
  • React 18.2
  • TypeScript 4.9.2
  • Webpack 5
  • Jest 27


  • Full-stack TypeScript application using React and Node HTTP/HTTPS.
  • Includes working server side SEO with react-helmet-async
  • Supports ES modules for server-side and client-side ```.
  • Configured with Webpack for production builds.
  • Includes Jest for unit testing.
  • Includes example components and routes for getting started.
  • Includes HoosatUI as optional dependancy as git submodule.


  • npm run dev: Builds and runs the development version.

    • This script concurrently executes the following commands:
      • npm run dev:build:client: Builds the client in development mode and watches for file changes.
      • npm run dev:build:server: Builds the server in development mode and watches for file changes.
      • npm run dev:run: Starts the server with Nodemon to automatically restart it on file changes.
  • npm run build: Builds the production version.

    • This script sequentially executes the following commands:
      • npm run build:client: Builds the client in production mode.
      • npm run build:server: Builds the server in production mode.
  • npm run start: Runs the production version.

    • This script starts the server using the compiled production files.
  • npm run test: Runs test units with Jest.

    • This script executes the test units using Jest.

File structure

  • src/client: Contains client-side ``` (React components, styles, etc.).
  • src/server: Contains server-side ``` (Node HTTP/HTTPS routes, API routes, etc.).
  • src/common: Contains common ```.
  • public: Contains the bundle.js client ``` and public files for the project.
  • dist: Contains production build output of server.

Node HTTP/HTTP server with server side router.

src/server/core/server.ts contains the source ```, it supports middlewares, wildcard routes and specific routes. There are middlewares currently for setting cors and static files.

Basic example

import { createRouter, createServer, listen } from './core/server';
import { cors } from './core/cors';
import { assets } from './core/assets';
// Creating the router
const router = createRouter();

// Adding static file middleware

// Creating a ping route
// For request and response we dont use wrappers for node http types and methods.
router.Get("/ping", (req: HoosatRequest, res: HoosatResponse) => {

// Now that the middleware and routes have been set the server must be created that handles the routes.
const server = createServer(router);

// Start listening on port 3000
const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT || "8080");
listen(server, port, () => {
  console.log(`Server is running on port ${port.toString()}`);


This template is licensed under the ISC License. Feel free to use it for your own projects or as a starting point for your own templates.


I just dropped some dependancies from the repository and this will keep happening. With our own ``` we can keep it up to date with React and Node versions more easily. Though for now the only goal seems to be to drop react-helmet-async.

Release changes

1.4.5 -> 1.4.6

  • Use submodule for server, make cloning of template recursive.

1.4.4 -> 1.4.5

  • One small document change in server code example, to make your life easier.
  • Add support for command line arguments.
  • Add support for npx hoosat-create submodule

1.4.3 -> 1.4.4

  • Why the heck I removed that #!/usr/bin/env node.. Now it's back.

1.4.2 -> 1.4.3

  • Update package.json to contain metadata

1.4.1 -> 1.4.2

  • Remove download-git-repo dependancy from hoosat-create
  • Do input validation in hoosat-create. Which means following characters do not work in project name.
    • ';', '|', '&&', '>', '<', '`', '$(', '$()'

1.4.0 -> 1.4.1

  • Changed createServer to include options argument for changing server protocol and to include SSL certificate information.
  • JSDoc has been added and more documentation work.

1.3.5 -> 1.4.0

  • Dropped Express.js and Babel from dependancies.
  • Updated package.json scripts to use concurrently and nodemon.

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  • tonto