Installation & Setup
The hs-toolbox is available on public NPM and does not require any special credentials to download or install the tools. The toolbox SHOULD be installed globally.
> npm install -g hs-toolbox
-- or more likely --
> sudo npm install -g hs-toolbox
The package includes two important tools
- hs-profile
- hs-installer
A profile is intended to encapsulate common data about the user that can be reused by many different tools.
- A local system MAY contain one or more profiles
- A local system MUST have a unique name on the local system
- A local system MAY have one active profile at a given time
- A profile is associated with exactly one environment
- A profile is bound to exactly one authorization context represented
- A profile's authorization context MAY only have 0..1 usernames
- A profile's authorization context MAY only have 0..1 passwords
- A profile MAY have 0..M namespaces associated with it
Usage: hs-profile [options] [command]
First time setup flow
$> hs-profile setup # answer the questions create default profile
$> hs-profile view # confirm the setup
$> hs-profile me # confirm the valid connection
$> hs-profile use <namespace> # add the namespaces to the file
Moving between namespaces within a profile
$> hs-profile namespaces # list them
$> hs-profile use <active> # establish the new namespace
$> hs-profile namespace # confirm the change
Working with profiles
$> hs-profile ls # list all of the local profiles
$> hs-profile which # check to see which one is active
$> hs-profile activate <profile> # switch to the new profile
$> hs-profile which # confirm the change
*setup|init [profile-name]
*use [namespace]
*prune|unuse [namespaces...]
Local Profile Commands
setup | init
guided setup to create a named profile
which profile is currently active
switch | activate
change the active profile
delete a local system profile
Active Profile Commands
The following commands are intended to allow reading and writing to the active profile.
view the public contents of the active profile
env | whereami
print the base domain name for the profile
Authorization commands are used to modify or understand the profile's user.
username | whoami
print the local user
sets the password for the current local user
look up and print the system user
prints all the namespaces associated with the current profile
prints the active/default namespace for the active profile
makes a particular namespace the active default for the context. If the nanespace does not exist it is added.
removes one or more namespace(s) from the current profile
The installer allows a developer to interacts with private packages in HotSchedules repositories.
Usage: hs-installer [options] [command]
First time setup flow
In order to work with the private repositories, you will need to obtain a developer token. This token will allow you to download and install packages locally on the system. All installer commands are dependent on having this license installed.
$> hs-installer set-license <license-file> # add the license to system
$> hs-installer install semvr # confirm connection details
$> hs-installer uninstall semvr # remove the package locally
Managing a system tool
System tools are intended to be installed globally so they can be reused across various projects or workspaces. The commands MAY require elevate priviledge to install on your local system (e.g. run as sudo).
$> hs-installer install-tool <pkg> # install the tool
$> hs-installer uninstall-tool <pkg> # remove it
Managing a local project librairy or dependency
Libraries are intended to be installed locally so they can be versioned specifically for you project or workspaces.
$> hs-installer install <pkg> --save # install the package and save to package.json
$> hs-installer uninstall <pkg> # remove the package (and dependencies)
Publishing a package to the HotSchedules code repository
$> hs-installer set-publisher # set publishing key
$> hs-installer publish # publish a package