Buffering result from Http call (or any Promises), updating only when needed.
If you need to call an external API more times but you do not want to overload the API server.
You can execute Service more times. Service makes one single call each 5 minutes (default, you can change it), and returns a buffer. If you do not execute Service, it not makes calls to server.
Service is faster. When You execute Service, it first returns a buffer, then performs the buffer update later.
npm i http-call-buffer
Calling the same service each second. Service buffers the result and returns it. Service updates buffer after 10 seconds (each 10 seconds if needed).
const Buffer = require("http-call-buffer")
//Any Promise functions allowed
const call = async () => {
const response = await fetch("")
return await response.json()
const options = {
name: "TimeStampBuffer",
refreshTime: 1000 * 10, //default 5 minutes
awaitRefresh: true, //default false
showLog: true, //default false
const myBufferedCall = new Buffer(call, options)
async function loop() {
setTimeout(loop, 1000)