
1.0.3 • Public • Published


A Hubot adapter for Hall

Compatibility with Hubot

  • Hubot >= 2.4.2

Installing Hubot-Hall on Heroku

  1. Complete the instructions in the Hubot README for your particular platform and return to these steps to configure your app for Hall.

  2. Create a new Hall account for your bot to use.

  • You can set the first name and last name on the account to whatever you wish.
  • Once setup is complete, you can invoke your bot with either the full name of the user account or with the name you give the bot when you start it up.
  • Record the email address and password so you can configure your Hubot-Hall adapter later.
  1. The hubot/ directory that you created in the Hubot on Heroku instructions above is all that is relevant to us now. Let's switch to it:

     % cd hubot/
  2. Edit package.json and add hubot-hall to the dependencies section. It should look something like this:

     "dependencies": {
       "hubot-hall": "latest",
  3. Edit package.json and add a node limitation to the engines section. It should look something like this (the Hall adapter only works with a limited range of node versions):

     "engines": {
       "node": ">= 0.8.x <= 0.9.0",
  4. If you won't be using the script, you need to remove it from the array in hubot-scripts.json file.

  5. Edit Procfile and change it to use the hall adapter and give it a name (optional) where bot_name is the name you'll use to invoke the bot (it will default to hubot):

     web: bin/hubot -a hall -n bot_name
  6. Configure it:

    You will need to set a configuration variable if you are hosting on the free Heroku plan (if you haven't already done so).

     % heroku config:add HEROKU_URL=

    Where the URL is your Heroku app's URL (shown after running heroku create, or heroku rename).

    Set the email to the email you used to register the bot with Hall:

     % heroku config:add HUBOT_HALL_EMAIL="..."

    Set the password to the password chosen when you created the bot's account.

     % heroku config:add HUBOT_HALL_PASSWORD="..."
  7. Add and commit your package.json changes:

     % git add .
     % git commit -m "added the hubot-hall dependency"
  8. Deploy and start the bot:

     % git push heroku master
     % heroku ps:scale web=1

    This will tell Heroku to run 1 of the web process type which is described in the Procfile.

  9. You should see the bot join all rooms it has been added to. If not, check the output of heroku logs. You can also use heroku config to check the config vars and heroku restart to restart the bot. heroku ps will show you its current process state.

  10. Assuming your bot's name is "Hubot", the bot will respond to commands like "@hubot help". The '@' symbol is optional.

  11. To configure the commands the bot responds to, you'll need to edit the hubot-scripts.json file (valid script names here) or add scripts to the scripts/ directory.

  12. To deploy an updated version of the bot, simply commit your changes and run git push heroku master again.

Running on Unix

  1. Complete the instructions in the Hubot wiki and return to these steps to configure your app for Hall.

  2. Create a new Hall account for your bot to use.

  • You can set the first name and last name on the account to whatever you wish.
  • Once setup is complete, you can invoke your bot with either the full name of the user account or with the name you give the bot when you start it up.
  • Record the email address and password so you can configure your Hubot-Hall adapter later.
  1. The hubot/ directory that you created in the Hubot on Unix instructions above is all that is relevant to us now. Let's switch to it:

     % cd hubot/
  2. Edit package.json and add hubot-hall to the dependencies section. It should look something like this:

     "dependencies": {
       "hubot-hall": "latest",
  3. Edit package.json and add a node limitation to the engines section. It should look something like this (the Hall adapter only works with a limited range of node versions):

     "engines": {
       "node": ">= 0.8.x <= 0.9.0",
  4. Install the dependencies

     % npm install
  5. Configure it:

    Set the email to the email you used to register the bot with Hall:

     % export HUBOT_HALL_EMAIL="..."

    Set the password to the password chosen when you created the bot's account.

     % export HUBOT_HALL_PASSWORD="..."
  6. Run the hubot with the Hall adapter

     % bin/hubot -a hall
  7. Or run hubot from a script like so:

export HUBOT_HALL_EMAIL="..."
bin/hubot --a hall




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  • ronadams