
0.0.13 • Public • Published


Hubot script for logging hours on Jira.

See src/jira-logger.js for full documentation.

If you don't know what Hubot is check out this nice introduction by the guys who created it. To summarize, it's a chat bot that you can use to automate some work for you. Is normally used for what people are calling "ChatOps".


In hubot project repo, run:

npm install hubot-jira-logger --save

Then add hubot-jira-logger to your external-scripts.json:


You will also need to set two environment variables:

  • HUBOT_JIRA_PROJECT_TOKEN - Access Token for JIRA API Requests.
  • HUBOT_JIRA_API_URL - The domain URL for you jira instance.

Sample Interaction

Privately, user1 sends a message to hubot.

user1>> hubot auth <> <password>
hubot>> Your user was successfully added to my database.

If another user2 tries to add in credentials for other people.

user2>> hubot auth <> <password>
hubot>> <> is not your username. You can only log work with your username.

It's important to notice that currently, the verification between different users is made by e-mail. So the Jira Account e-mail must match the Slack Account e-mail in order to add credentials.

Logging hours on JIRA.

user1>> hubot log <time> on <task> [optional-comment]
hubot>> Logged <time> on <task>.

Always prefer to use these two commands in a private chat with the bot, otherwise people will see your credentials when you use the auth command. Be careful!

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npm i hubot-jira-logger

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  • andremw