
0.1.0 • Public • Published


Hubot-tabetai is a chat-based event participants manager, especially for pizza party.


  • Node.js
  • Hubot


hubot tabetai open (your favoriate food)

Open command creates new tabetai and joins you in it.
hubot tabetai open :pizza:

hubot tabetai join (existing tabetai)

Join command joins you in specified tabetai.
hubot tabetai join :pizza:

hubot tabetai cancel (existing tabetai)

Cancel command removes you from specified tabetai.
hubot tabetai cancel :pizza:

hubot tabetai close (existing tabetai)

Close command closes specified tabetai and show the members in it.
hubot tabetai close :pizza:

hubot tabetai list

List command shows living(not closed yet) tabetaies and the active tabetai.
hubot tabetai list

hubot tabetai members (existing tabetai)

Members command shows the members in specified tabetai.
hubot tabetai members :pizza:

hubot tabetai invite (other members) (existing tabetai)

Invite command invites specified members to tabetai.
hubot tabetai invite Java C C++ :pizza:

hubot tabetai kick (other members) (existing tabetai)

Kick command removes specified members from tabetai.
hubot tabetai kick Java C :pizza:

The shorthand of tabetai commands is also available: "ku."

hubot ku (new tabetai)

is equal to hubot tabetai open (new tabetai).
hubot ku :pizza: (when :pizza: is a new tabetai)

hubot ku (existing tabetai)

is equal to hubot tabetai join (existing tabetai).
hubot ku :pizza: (when there were already :pizza:)

hubot ku

is equal to hubot tabetai join (active tabetai).
hubot ku

Active tabetai

Active tabetai is the newest tabetai. When you bless hubot ku, you join the active tabetai. Join, open, and ku commands change the active tabetai.


Pull request is welcome. Create new branch from develop to add a new feature.

When you find bugs with hubot-tabetai, please make new issue, or create new branch from master and send a PR to master.



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  • hnagamin