Assign tasks to users in random
See src/
for full documentation.
Add hubot-task-agent to your package.json
npm install --save hubot-task-agent
Add hubot-task-agent to your external-scripts.json
Run npm install
user1>> hubot user1 can do cleaning task
hubot>> OK, user1 can do the 'cleaning' task.
user1>> hubot what tasks can user1 do?
hubot>> user1 can do the following tasks: cleaning.
user1>> hubot user2 can do cleaning task
hubot>> OK, user2 can do the 'cleaning' task.
user1>> hubot who can do cleaning task?
hubot>> The following people can do the 'cleaning' task: user1, user2
user1>> hubot assign cleaning task to a user
hubot>> The following people is assigned to the 'cleaning' task: user1