
1.0.26 • Public • Published

How To Load Components

  • npm i hydee -S

  • Add pages.json easycom options below of this content.

"easycom": {
    "^h-(.*)": "hydee/h-$1/h-$1.vue"

Configuration About Components By Custom


name description params
model Initial of validate props collect Object


name description type params
label form-item display text in left String Weixin MiniProgram please add at least one space
prop valiate prop String - -
label-width The width of label Number --
labelStyle custom config label stylesheet Object {height: 'auto'} - -


name description type params
value bind of default prop of input value String -
prefix-icon show icon in prefix position String yonghu/mima/.etc
clearable show icon in end position String yonghu/mima/.etc


Icon files loading by iconfont,you can custom build by yourself to replace @/components/hydee/styles/base.scss

Attention: when you load network assets of font or icon files,please add protocol https:// inaddtional.

@font-face {
  font-family: 'h-icon'; /* Project id 2866670 */
  src: url('https://at.alicdn.com/t/font_2866670_nsz8cv592md.woff2?t=1640056620429')
      format('woff2'), url('https://at.alicdn.com/t/font_2866670_nsz8cv592md.woff?t=1640056620429')


name description type params
candidates basic select options build by yourself Array --
prefix-icon show icon in prefix position String yonghu/mima/.etc
suffix-icon show icon in suffix position String yonghu/mima/.etc
filterable control of filter the options Boolean default: false
disabled control input enter and pointer-events Boolean default: false
filterable toggle dropdown mode of filter able Boolean default: false
shape basic show right angle or border radius String default: circle|
emptyTips text describe of empty options String No Match
label text of label option String ---
labelWidth text of label width option String or Number 100
prefixIcon display prefix icon with static path String '../statac/test.svg'
suffixIcon display suffix icon with static path String '../statac/test.svg'
customStyle custom stylesheet Object {height: 'auto'}


H-combox use componentName with h-input to ignore boardcast validate events.


name description type params
type Initialize for basic button type String primary/default/.etc
shape The shape of the button display String square/circle
loading The async process status Boolean false
accessType category of weixin access type String phone/userinfo
authCallback emit accessType callback data Event --


name description type params
configTitle display of major info String --
configSubTitle display other info String --
cardCollect collect h-card display info Array --
hiddenToggle control dispaly toggle icon Boolean --
@custom the custom event about toggle icon Event --
@accept-item Accept inside appid and weChatAppId Event --
slots Provide owncard slots to build yourself list attribute slot --


Attention: click.native was nou-use when you set access type

name description type params
accessTitle display of major info String --
accessSubTitle display other info String --
illustrations the illustrations of center content String ../../static
loading async status of button Boolean
navigateText the navigator text of button copywirting String ---
accessType whether open options of get phone number or userinfo String userinfo/phone/none
cancelLogin whether open options of open un-login text Boolean --
@authCallback use userinfo or phone access type to callback Event --
@cancelLogin the event about cancelLogin options event Event --
@click native click Event --
slots Provide slot name custom to build your own button or other Event --


name description type params
navigateTitle display of major info String --
navigationIcon display status bar left icon Boolean --
@custom custom event of click left icon Event


name description type params
customStyle set canvas style attribute Object --
iconPath static path of png/svg String --
@custom custom event of click left icon Event



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