IbSearch searches 11 image boards at once: gelbooru, danbooru, rule34, furrybo, yandere, konachan, safebooru, xbooru, e621, and uberbooru. This module utilizes its API as well as providing a simple way to extract image URL.
The only function is .search(query, options)
where query
is a string and options
is an object. Example below...
const ibsearch = ib = ; // API Key is optional but it gives you a higher rate ib
For each object in data
, it is everything described in the API documentation, plus a link
property so you can just fetch your image link without hassle. Here's an example:
id: '11508' rating: 'q' tags: '1girl ass back black_hair blush dimples_of_venus ganto glasses kantai_collection kirishima_(kantai_collection) lips looking_at_viewer looking_back pencil_skirt short_hair simple_background white_background' format: 'jpg' width: '600' height: '850' area: '510000' aspectw: '705' aspecth: '1416' sha1: '6A6F780FA9F5AE6CBD24A5C5C445CC54585D89C0' md5: 'F108FD9C0647A88D349A0B34295C7E41' found: '1427569497' size: '45114' server: 'im1' random: '7660' hits: '2107' path: 'f/10/8fd9c0647a88d349a0b34295c7e41.jpg' link: 'https://im1.ibsearch.xxx/f/10/8fd9c0647a88d349a0b34295c7e41.jpg'