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The iCalendar generator

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Example Usage

  1. Create an iCalendar event:
const ics = require('ics-plus')
const event = {
  start: [2018, 5, 30, 6, 30],
  duration: { hours: 6, minutes: 30 },
  title: 'Bolder Boulder',
  description: 'Annual 10-kilometer run in Boulder, Colorado',
  location: 'Folsom Field, University of Colorado (finish line)',
  url: 'http://www.bolderboulder.com/',
  geo: { lat: 40.0095, lon: 105.2669 },
  categories: ['10k races', 'Memorial Day Weekend', 'Boulder CO'],
  status: 'CONFIRMED',
  organizer: { name: 'Admin', email: 'Race@BolderBOULDER.com' },
  attendees: [
    { name: 'Adam Gibbons', email: 'adam@example.com', rsvp: true },
    { name: 'Brittany Seaton', email: 'brittany@example2.org' }
ics.createEvent(event, (error, value) => {
  if (error) {
  //  VERSION:2.0
  //  PRODID:adamgibbons/ics
  //  UID:070bbdd0-a6de-11e7-9552-4faa901a846b
  //  SUMMARY:Bolder Boulder
  //  DTSTAMP:20171002T012300Z
  //  DTSTART:20180530T125000Z
  //  DESCRIPTION:Annual 10-kilometer run in Boulder, Colorado
  //  URL:http://www.bolderboulder.com/
  //  GEO:40.0095;105.2669
  //  LOCATION:Folsom Field, University of Colorado (finish line)
  //  CATEGORIES:10k races,Memorial Day Weekend,Boulder CO
  //  ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;CN=Adam Gibbons:mailto:adam@example.com
  //  ATTENDEE;RSVP=FALSE;CN=Brittany Seaton:mailto:brittany@example2.org
  //  DESCRIPTION:Reminder
  //  TRIGGER;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20180530T020000Z
  1. Write an iCalendar file:
const { writeFileSync } = require('fs')
const ics = require('ics-plus')
  title: 'Dinner',
  description: 'Nightly thing I do',
  start: [2018, 1, 15, 6, 30],
  duration: { minutes: 50 }
}, (error, value) => {
  if (error) {
  fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/event.ics`, value)
  1. Create multiple iCalendar events:
const ics = require('ics-plus')
const { error, value } = ics.createEvents([
    title: 'Lunch',
    start: [2018, 1, 15, 12, 15],
    duration: { minutes: 45 }
    title: 'Dinner',
    start: [2018, 1, 15, 12, 15],
    duration: { hours: 1, minutes: 30 }
// VERSION:2.0
// PRODID:adamgibbons/ics
// UID:3c6d44e8-79a7-428d-acac-9586c9e06e5c
// SUMMARY:Lunch
// DTSTAMP:20180210T093900Z
// DTSTART:20180115T191500Z
// UID:253cc897-fc26-4f25-9a01-b6bb57fa174d
// SUMMARY:Dinner
// DTSTAMP:20180210T093900Z
// DTSTART:20180115T191500Z
  1. Create iCalendar events with Audio (Mac):
let ics = require("ics-plus")
let moment = require("moment")
let events = []
let alarms = []
let start = moment().format('YYYY-M-D').split("-")
let end = moment().add({'hours':2, "minutes":30}).format("YYYY-M-D").split("-")
  action: 'audio',
  trigger: {hours:2,minutes:30,before:true},
  repeat: 2,
  attach: 'Glass'
let event = {
  uid: "123"+"@ics.com",
  start: start,
  end: end,
  title: "test here",
  alarms: alarms
// VERSION:2.0
// PRODID:MyCalendarId
// UID:123@MyCalendarIdics.com
// SUMMARY:test here
// DTSTAMP:20180409T072100Z
// DTSTART:20180409
// DTEND:20180409


createCalendar({productId, events=[]})

Generates an iCalendar instance setting productId and initializing the events. Return iCalendar instance. ICalendar instance has .toIcs(), .toString(), .addEvent(attributes={}), .addEvents(events=[])

createEvent(attributes[, callback])

Generates an iCal-compliant VCALENDAR string with one VEVENT. If a callback is not provided, returns an object having the form { error, value }, where value contains an iCal-compliant string if there are no errors. If a callback is provided, returns a Node-style callback.


Object literal containing event information. Only the start property is required. The following properties are accepted:

Property Description Example
start Required. Date and time at which the event begins. [2000, 1, 5, 10, 0] (January 5, 2000 in my timezone)
end Time at which event ends. Either end or duration is required, but not both. [2000, 1, 5, 13, 5] (January 5, 2000 at 1pm)
duration How long the event lasts. Object literal having form { weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds } Either end or duration is required, but not both. { hours: 1, minutes: 45 } (1 hour and 45 minutes)
title Title of event. 'Code review'
description Description of event. 'A constructive roasting of those seeking to merge into master branch'
location Intended venue Mountain Sun Pub and Brewery.
geo Geographic coordinates (lat/lon) { lat: 38.9072, lon: 77.0369 }
url URL associated with event 'http://www.mountainsunpub.com/'
status Three statuses are allowed: TENTATIVE,CONFIRMED, orCANCELLED|CONFIRMED`
organizer Person organizing the event {name: 'Adam Gibbons', email: 'adam@example.com'}
attendees Persons invited to the event [{ name: 'Mo', email: 'mo@foo.com', rsvp: true }, { name: 'Bo', email: 'bo@bar.biz' }]
categories Categories associated with the event ['hacknight', 'stout month']
alarms Alerts that can be set to trigger before, during, or after the event { action: 'DISPLAY', trigger: [2000, 1, 4, 18, 30] } OR { action: 'DISPLAY', trigger: {hours:2,minutes:30,before:true} OR{ action: 'DISPLAY', trigger: {hours:2,minutes:30,before:false}OR{action: 'audio',trigger: {hours:2,minutes:30,before:true}, repeat: 2,attachType:'VALUE=URI',attach: 'Glass'}`
productId Product which created ics, PRODID field 'adamgibbons/ics'
uid Universal unique id for event, produced by default with uuid/v1. Warning: This value must be globally unique. It is recommended that it follow the RFC 822 addr-spec (i.e. localpart@domain). Including the @domain half is a good way to ensure uniqueness. '28021620-be61-11e7-be87-5f3ab42f0785'

Alarams attach property can have these values for Mac : Basso, Blow, Bottle, Frog, Funk, Glass, Hero, Morse, Ping, Pop, Purr, Sousumi, Submarine, Tink

To create an all-day event, pass only three values (year, month, and date) to the start and end properties. The date of the end property should be the day after your all-day event. For example, in order to create an all-day event occuring on October 15, 2018:

const eventAttributes = {
  start: [2018, 10, 15],
  end: [2018, 10, 16],
  /* rest of attributes */


Optional. Node-style callback.

function (err, value) {
  if (err) {
    // if iCal generation fails, err is an object containing the reason
    // if iCal generation succeeds, err is null
  console.log(value) // iCal-compliant text string

createEvents(events[, callback])

Generates an iCal-compliant VCALENDAR string with multiple VEVENTS.

If a callback is not provided, returns an object having the form { error, value }, where value is an iCal-compliant text string if error is null.

If a callback is provided, returns a Node-style callback.


Array of attributes objects (as described in createEvent).


Optional. Node-style callback.

function (err, value) {
  if (err) {
    // if iCal generation fails, err is an object containing the reason
    // if iCal generation succeeds, err is null
  console.log(value) // iCal-compliant text string


Run mocha tests and watch for changes:

npm start

Run tests once and exit:

npm test

Build the project, compiling all ES6 files within the src directory into vanilla JavaScript in the dist directory.

npm run build


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  • edahood