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2.0.15 • Public • Published

The Indian Food Composition tables (IFCT 2017) provides nutritional values for 528 key foods.
📦 Node.js, 📜 Files.

Food composition values were measured by National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad. Shown below is a text-query JavaScript API for search information through these tables. You may also add these to a database for more control over the query.

Online database: ifct2017.github.io.

const ifct2017 = require('ifct2017');

async function main() {
await ifct2017.compositions.load();
/// Load corpus first

ifct2017.compositions('ananas comosus');
// [ { code: 'E053',
//     name: 'Pineapple',
//     scie: 'Ananas comosus',
//     lang: 'A. Ahnaros; B. Anarasa; G. Anenas; H. Ananas; Kan. Ananas; Kash. Punchitipul; Kh. Soh trun; Kon. Anas; Mal. Kayirha chakka; M. Kihom Ananas; O. Sapuri; P. Ananas; Tam. Annasi pazham; Tel. Anasa pandu; U. Ananas.',
//     ... } ]

ifct2017.columns('vitamin c');
// [ { code: 'vitc',
//     name: 'Total Ascorbic acid',
//     tags: 'ascorbate water soluble vitamin c vitamin c essential' } ]

// https://unpkg.com/@ifct2017/pictures/assets/A001.jpeg

// [ { code: 'his',
//     whorda: -0.01,
//     usear: NaN,
//     usrdam: -0.014,
//     usrdaf: NaN,
//     euprim: NaN,
//     euprif: NaN,
//     ulus: NaN,
//     uleu: NaN,
//     uljapan: NaN } ]
/// Negative value indicates amount per kg of body weight.


Method Action
compositions Detailed nutrient composition of 528 key foods in India.
columns Codes and names of nutrients, and its components.
pictures Single representative photo of each foods (JPEG, 307x173).
intakes Recommended daily intakes of nutrients.
hierarchy Tree-like hierarchy of nutrients, and its components.
representations Representations of columns (as factors and units).
codes Uniquely identifiable codes for each food.
groups Categorization of food by their common names.
descriptions Names of each food in local languages, including scientific name.
abbreviations Full forms of abbreviations used in the original book.
languages Full form of language abbreviations.
methods Analytical methods of nutrient and bioactive components.
energies Metabolizable energy conversion factors.
nutrients Detailed description of various nutrients, and its components.
jonesFactors Jones factors for conversion of nitrogen to protein.
carbohydrates Conversion of carbohydrate weights to monosaccharide equivalents.
regions Categorization of the States/UTs into six different regions.
samplingUnits Number of primary sampling units in each State/UT.
compositingCentres Regional compositing centres and sample size of each region.
frequencyDistribution Frequency distribution of States/UTs for fixing the number of districts to be sampled.
about On the history of malnutrition, current status, and data details.
contents Contents in the original book.

NOTE: .pictures(code) -> null as it is not included locally.
Use .pictures.unpkg(code), or .pictures.jsDelivr(code) instead.

A corpus consisting of columns, hierarchy, intakes, methods, nutrients,
representations is available for use with UI: unpkg, jsDelivr.


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