- This is iFrame widget package to create widget of custum size and property.
- Get you webSite bot Reponse in your Telegram and Answer Them.
Follow my another Repositry Widget CDN repo to use this Widget as through CDN link.
- Install npm package.
npm i iframewidget
- Import it in your page.
import { Widget } from "iframewidget"
Use below tag to create a widegt get in your page
use below in those pages in which you want a widget bot.
GET YOUR TelechatbotId at @telewidget_bot
<Widget TelechatbotId="1234566" config={options}/>
- One move prop is availabe to show any web site inside a Iframe widget.
- when you use webserver prop don't need to pass TelechatbotId just pass random integer in it.
<Widget TelechatbotId="123456" config={options} webserver="https://www.google.com/"/>
- These are the available default options to customize you widget.
let options = {
Closebtncolor: "#ffffff",
Height: "480px",
Width: "360px",
chatIconRight: '50px',
chatIconBottom: '50px',
chatIconbgColor: "#121D9E",
chatIconcolor: '#ffffff',
title: 'Customer Support',
introMessage: 'Hello! How can we help you?',
visitorPronoun: 'You',
chatareabgcolor: "#000000",
titlecolor: "#ffffff",
titlebgcolor: "#121D9E",
placeholderText: 'Type your message...',
inputBgcolor: "#121D9E",
inputTxtcolor: "#ffffff",
displayMessageTime: true,
chatTextboxcolor: "#ffffff",
chatTextcolor: "#000000",
chatTimecolor: "#B0B0B0",
- After all you page.js looks like
import { Widget } from "iframewidget"
export default function Home() {
let options = {
Closebtncolor: "#ffffff",
Height: "480px",
Width: "360px",
chatIconRight: '50px',
chatIconBottom: '50px',
chatIconbgColor: "#121D9E",
chatIconcolor: '#ffffff',
title: 'Customer Support',
introMessage: 'Hello! How can we help you?',
visitorPronoun: 'You',
chatareabgcolor: "#000000",
titlecolor: "#ffffff",
titlebgcolor: "#121D9E",
placeholderText: 'Type your message...',
inputBgcolor: "#121D9E",
inputTxtcolor: "#ffffff",
displayMessageTime: true,
chatTextboxcolor: "#ffffff",
chatTextcolor: "#000000",
chatTimecolor: "#B0B0B0",
return (
<Widget TelechatbotId="1234556" config={options}/>
<!-- your code here -->