Image to box shadows.
Turns images (jpeg, png, whatever..) into pure css using box-shadows - because... Why not?.
The result can either be returned as a string, or saved directly to a file.
To install, simply run the command below.
npm install image-to-boxshadow
This package contains one function: imageToBoxShadow.
So start by importing this.
const { imageToBoxShadow } = require ('image-to-boxshadow');
The function takes three parameters: image_path, element_name and result_path.
image_path - The path to the image, that is going to be converted.
element_name - The class name of the element which the styling will be applied to - can be left blank for 'element'.
result_path - The path to the file in which the result will be saved - if left blank, it will simply return the string.
Using this you can simply call the function like this:
imageToBoxShadow ('./monalisa.jpeg', 'element', './monalisa.css')
This will take the image, on the path "./monalisa.jpeg", and save it the file "./monalisa.css", with the css selector pointing to ".element".