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IMOS IX Linear Division Typscript Parser

this is a parser that mimics the behavior of IMOS IX 2023 linear division parser behavior it takes input linear division as a string "1:2" the total length and an optional divider thickness parameter the division is none-virtual and it returns an array of numbers representing lengths in mellimeter for each zone

IMOS IX Linear Division Analysis

there are two main types of input values: ratios and absolute

  • ratios: 1:2 => ratio:ratio (the second division is double the first section)
  • absolute 1mm:1 => absolute:ratio (the first section is 1mm of length and the rest is taken by the second)

Normal Ratio Values

  • for x:y:z 1:2:1 && total length == 600mm for normal ratio values substract absolute values from total length, then divide the rest by the total parts => each part gets an absolute value
    1. figuring out the value of 1 => 600mm / total parts => 600mm / 4 = 150mm == Ref
    2. Ref x X : Ref x Y : Ref x Z
    3. 150mm : 300mm : 150mm

Reduction of line EX: 1[100mm] : 1 (not supported for now)

  • for A [ Y ] : 1 == 1 [ 100mm ] : 1 && total length == 480mm should be treated like a normal ratio => getting an absolute value X = 480mm / 2 == 240mm adding 2 constraints
    1. Result / [ Y : 100mm ] == Natural Number
    2. Result <= 240mm
    3. method: while (Result < 240mm) => { Result += 100mm} => Result == 200mm
    4. absolute value 200mm : 280mm

Repetition EX: 3{1:2}:1

":" is implicit in the linear division definition

  • for X{LinDiv}:Y == 3{1:2}:1 should first parse the Repetition to show explicit divisions
    1. multiply the division inside {} by X
    2. 1:2:1:2:1:2:1
    3. treat it like a normal ratio division

Negative Values EX: -200mm:1:-200mm (not supported for now)

  • this one is tricky as its position isn't within the zone size as for a -X mm:1:-Y mm for a total length of 1000mm the first negative value is positioned in -200mm and second is in 1200mm

Values Containing round EX: n* ((X-60)/round((X-60)/100)) mm

for 30mm+1:n* ((X-60)/round((X-60)/100)) mm:30mm X is the total length and X-60 is the Rest from the substruction of 60mm == 30mm + 30mm round(rest/100) to get the step

  1. adding 0.5 to it => maximum is 100mm

1+Xmm Ratios

  • for these kind of values the absolute value is taken from the total length before proceeding calculations for 1+30mm:1:1 for a total length of 462mm
    1. 462mm-30mm == 432mm
    2. 432mm/3 = 144mm
    3. for the first part we add 30mm which results in 144mm+30mm = 174mm
    4. absolute values: 174mm:144mm:144mm

Behavior analysis (version IMOS IX 2023)

  1. ratio + absolue mm the mm showing outside in a born makes the value absolute and the other operands without mm ratios could use (expression) mm as well
  2. x*y:1 is invalid as it doesn't allow * / operators outside parentheses
  3. x: (a * b)+c+(d * f mm) the intuitive behavior for this is to have (d * f mm) absolute (in mm) and other operands ratio BUT IT DOESN'T: if we have a mm inside () the entire section (a * b)+c+(d * f mm) becomes absolute
  4. function(x) + a : y => absolute : absolute you may consider function(x) like previous, a value that makes the entire section absolute if not in parentheses
  5. (function(x)) + a : y => ratio : ratio even if you do function(x)mm + y still => absolute + absolute you need to do (function(x))mm + y to have => absolute + ratio
  6. 1{x:y}:z => x:y:z the number occurences of x:y is defined by the left hand operand value
  7. x + 2{x:y}:1 => x+x:y:x:y:1 when we have an addition to a repetition on the left side it is added only to the first occurence of the inside division
  8. 2{x:y} + x:1 => x:y:x:y+x:1
  9. (expression){x:y} the result of expression left hand to repetition is rounded if inside () (2.7){1mm}:1 => 3{1mm}:1 if not inside () and the value is not integer it results in a weird behavior 2.4{1mm}:2 => 2.1:1:1:1:2 => the number of repetitions is 4 and it makes the first division a fractional part of 2
  10. n * y cannot be multiplied to a grouping that contains mm n*(100mm) is wrong even if mm outside (100mm+1)mm
  11. n* y cannot belong to a binary expression like n* y + 1 (multiple divisions with n* is not supported yet you could use only one)


$ npm install imos-linear-division

Once the package is installed, you can import the library using import or require approach:

import { processLindiv } from 'imos-linear-division';

the processLinDiv function returns an array of numbers (in mm) takes a string linear division the total length and an optional dividerthickness

const result = processLindiv("50mm+2:2:2{50mm}:3", 500, 20)

Example of usage with variables

processLindiv("$var1 mm+$var2:$var3:$var3{$var1 mm}:$var4", 500, 20, { var1: 50, var2: 2, var3: 2, var4: 3 })
// result == [127.14, 77.14, 50, 50, 115.71]

Example of usage with variables

processLindiv("$var1 mm+$var2:$var3:$var3{$var1 mm}:$var4", 500, 20, { var1: 50, var2: 2, var3: 2, var4: 3 })
// result == [127.14, 77.14, 50, 50, 115.71]

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  • lamnazzah