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1.2.11 • Public • Published


React native plugin to get native android cell signal strength and speed internet.


npm install info-signal-strength


import { getCurrentSignalStrength } from 'info-signal-strength';

// ...

const result = await getCurrentSignalStrength();

Signal Strength Expected result is between 0 to 4

import { getTotalRxTxBytes } from 'info-signal-strength';

// ...

const result = await getTotalRxTxBytes();

//result example : {"rxBytes": 123891237, "txBytes": 41323222, "time": 1453432323}

This repository contains a method to measure internet speed using rxBytes and txBytes. While this approach works, it might not be the most effective or efficient solution. Feel free to suggest improvements or alternative solutions!

How It Works

  • rxBytes: Returns the total number of bytes received since the device was booted. read here -> getTotalRxBytes()

  • txBytes: Returns the total number of bytes transmitted since the device was booted. read here -> getTotalTxBytes()

  • By comparing the initial and subsequent values of rxBytes and txBytes, the data usage and speed can be calculated.

Code Example

Below is a simple example to demonstrate this approach:

to get internet speed, I have not found an effective and efficient way

but currently with rxBytes,txBytes and comparing the total initial data and the following data

the way I tried below. if anyone can provide the best solution other than this please let me know

import { getCurrentSignalStrength, getTotalRxTxBytes } from 'info-signal-strength';

useEffect(async () => {
  const result = await getCurrentSignalStrength();
}, []);

useEffect(async () => {
let previousResult = await getTotalRxTxBytes();
let intvl = 5000;
let time = intvl;

    const calculateSpeed = async () => {
      const currentResult = await getTotalRxTxBytes();

      if (previousResult) {
       // const url = ''; //this is just to trigger data movement, delete this, it will crash
       // const response = await fetch(url); //this is just to trigger data movement, delete this, it will crash
        let timeDiff = currentResult.time-previousResult.time;
        let rxDiff = currentResult.rxBytes-previousResult.rxBytes;
        let txDiff  = currentResult.txBytes-previousResult.txBytes;

        let rxSpeed = (rxDiff * 1000) / timeDiff;
        let txSpeed = (txDiff * 1000) / timeDiff;

        let download = (rxSpeed * 8) / (1024*1024); // Byte to bit, then to megabit
        let upload = (txSpeed * 8) /  (1024*1024);  // Byte to bit, then to megabit

        console.log("download Mbps", download);
        console.log("upload Mbps", upload);
        console.log("time", time);
      time = time + intvl;

    // Interval to check speed every second
    const interval = setInterval(calculateSpeed, intvl);

    return () => clearInterval(interval); // Cleanup on component unmount
}, []);


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



. Made with create-react-native-library

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  • mrliputo