It is a helper method to inject values in json attributes
If you have a default json template stored in your database and your application needs to replace some values to let it dynamic, you can use this to help you.
This is a simple usage
const injectByKeyValuePairs = require('inject-values-in-json');
// it can be a json string as well
const json = {
title: 'About ${subject}',
content: 'Dear ${name}, <br />I am contacting you because... <br />This is my phone number ${phone}',
sent: '${date}'
const keyValuePairs = {
name: 'Jhon',
subject: 'Something',
phone: '202-555-0175',
date: new Date()
injectByKeyValuePairs(json, keyValuePairs);
// output
title: 'About Something',
content: 'Dear Jhon, <br />I am contacting you because... <br />This is my phone number 202-555-0175',
sent: '2019-05-18T01:58:54.983Z'
You can use functions as well
const json = {
title: 'I want to generate some random ids for ${name}s products',
products: [
{ id: '${id}', name: 'skate' },
{ id: '${id}', name: 'bicycle' },
{ id: '${id}', name: 'computer' },
{ id: '${id}', name: 'cellphone' }
const keyValuePairs = {
name: 'Jhon',
id: () => Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)
injectByKeyValuePairs(json, keyValuePairs);
// output
title: 'I want to generate some random ids for Jhons products',
{ id: 'e6rdq', name: 'skate' },
{ id: '02xaq', name: 'bicycle' },
{ id: 'cs45v', name: 'computer' },
{ id: '6d6cfn', name: 'cellphone' }