
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Fixed Columns for DataTables

inset_tables is a npm module that replicates much of the functionality found within the jQuery DataTables FixedColumns Extension available at

On initialization, inset_tables will create another <table> element ( referred to as the overlay/inset table ) that positions itself over the base table. Additionally, a minimap is created that allows you to scroll through hidden columns. The overlay/inset table will respond to DataTable events such as search.dt, order.dt, length.dt, page.dt, click.dt, etc. It also plays nicely with the Select Extension from

Getting Started

  1. Download inset_tables from npm.
npm install inset_tables
  1. Pass your jQuery instance into the inset_tables constructor, which will return jQuery with the new inset_tables plugin available on the DataTables API.
import jQuery from "jquery";
import insetTables from "inset_tables";

var $ = jQuery;

$ = insetTables( $ );
  1. Initialize your DataTable, making sure to pass in the option scrollX: true, and call the inset_tables function using the API of your newly-initialized DataTable.
var testTable = $( "#tester-table" ).dataTable( {
    "scrollX": true,
    "inset": 3,
    "autoWidth": true,
    "data": data,
    "columns": columns
} );


Please note

  1. You must pass in scrollX: true for this plugin to work.
  2. You must initialize your DataTable with data and columns options, instead of hardcoding table cells and columns. This is because in order to generate the overlay/inset table the base table data and columns must be available through table.api().init(), which is not possible with hardcoded data.
  3. By default, inset_tables will fix two( 2 ) columns. You can modify this by passing an inset option to the .dataTable() constructor. The inset option must be greater than zero( 0 ).
  4. Pass in the autoWidth: true option if you would like the overlay/inset table and minimap to be resize responsively when the browser width changes. autoWidth: true allows the column-sizing.dt to fire on resize, which this API listens for. In some cases autoWidth: true leads to the base table rendering strangely. If this is the case, manually hard code the table width: <table width="100%"/>.

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  • binnsler