
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Allows to obtain the posts of an instagram profile


Install instagram-get-posts with npm

  npm install instagram-get-posts

How to get Instagram Cookie 🍪

  • Login to Instagram
  • Go to your https://instagram/yourUsername
  • Open your Browser Console (on Chrome just pressing F12)
    1. Select the "Network" tab
    2. Search and click on "timeline/" file; if it is empty just refresh the page
    3. Select "Headers" bar
    4. Be sure the file is Request Method "POST" (if it is "OPTIONS" search the other "timeline/" file in the list)
    5. Scroll down and select "Request Headers" tab
    6. Copy all the code after the word "cookie: " and paste it on _cookie variable
    7. Copy all the code after the word "user-agent: " and paste it on _userAgent variable
    8. Copy all the code after the word "x-ig-app-id: " and paste it on _xIgAppId variable

follow this steps


Get a random post from a profile

const InstagramGetPosts = require('instagram-get-posts');

const instagramGetPosts = new InstagramGetPosts({
  'cookie': 'ig_did=D9E97CF8-.....072c0d2"',
  'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 .....80.78',
  'x-ig-app-id': '936.....'

  profile: 'rimemberchile', // profile from url instagram (
  maxPosts: 250, // number of posts to get
  getRandomItem: true, // indicates if you want to get only one post randomly within the maximum number of posts
  postsType: 'image' // type of posts to get, possible values ​​are: image, video, all
.then(data => {
  console.log('Post', data);
.catch(err => {
  console.log('Error: ', err);

Get a random post from a profile in base64 format

const InstagramGetPosts = require('instagram-get-posts');

const instagramGetPosts = new InstagramGetPosts({
  'cookie': 'ig_did=D9E97CF8-.....072c0d2"',
  'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 .....80.78',
  'x-ig-app-id': '936.....'

  profile: 'rimemberchile', // profile from url instagram (
  maxPosts: 250, // number of posts to get
  getRandomItem: true, // indicates if you want to get only one post randomly within the maximum number of posts
  postsType: 'image', // type of posts to get, possible values ​​are: image, video, all
  getBase64: true // indicates if you want to get the image as base64
.then(data => {
  console.log('Post', data);
.catch(err => {
  console.log('Error: ', err);


    id: '2913471355950944808',
    time: 1661532869964504,
    type: 'image',
    likes: 8574,
    comments: 294,
    link: '',
    caption: '🤣🤣🤣',
    imageUrl: '', // if the postsType is image or all
    videoUrl: '', // if the postsType is video
    images: [
    ], // if the post has more than one image
    imageBase64: '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/7QB8UGhvdG9zaG9wIDMu......', // if getBase64 is true and the post has one image
    imagesBase64: [
    ] // if getBase64 is true and the post has more than one image

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npm i instagram-get-posts

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  • lcruga