
1.4.7 • Public • Published


A utility module to format a js Date using Intl.DateTimeFormat with a formatting string template (like 'yyyy/mm/dd').

Note: this module is used in the more comprehensive date module es-date-fiddler.


The module is available as ES module import @

For running in the browser one of the urls with filename DTFormat.js instead of index.js.

Install from npm

npm install intl-dateformatter


// ------------------------------
// Directly
// ------------------------------
// ES Module import (from jsdelivr network, index.JS, script type="module")
import dtFormat from '';
// ES Module ("type": "module" in package.json)
import dtFormat from '[location of index.JS]';
// CJS require
const dtFormat = require(`[location of index.CJS]`);
// ------------------------------
// installed with npm
// ------------------------------
// CJS import
const dtFormat = require('intl-dateformatter');
// ES Import ("type": "module" in package.json)
import dtFormat from 'intl-dateformatter';

For straightforward loading this library in your browser source it to DTFormat.js.
Putting a script tag before your own script exposes the global function window.dtFormat.

<script src="//"></script>


See this small stackblitz project for examples.


[imported format function](date, [template], [moreOptions])

  • no [template] or [moreOptions]: returns date only, formatted to current locale/time zone.

  • date: a Date Object

  • template: a string containing date/time units to print/output. See 'Date/Time-units to use in the template string' below.

    • Make sure every option unit (like yyyy, WD, MM) is surrounded by a non word character (like space, /, -, so not [a-zA-Z]).
    • You can use plain text in the template by enclosing it in {} (curly brackets), e.g. '{Today is} WD'.
      This is especially useful if the text contains strings which may be matched as option unit (e.g. the s in it's without curly brackets will be replaced with the date seconds value).
    • If two of the (numeric) options must not be separated in the result, put ~ (tilde) between them, e.g. 'yyyy~mm~dd' => 20221102.
      Use {~} or ~~ to output a tilde literal in the template (e.g.: 'yyyy~~mm{~}dd' => 2022~11~02).
    • dtf in the template prints the date formatted with the given options. If the template parameter is empty, dtf is inserted automatically.
    • You can also use html in the template string (e.g. '{<b>Today</b> is} <i>WD</i>').
  • moreOptions: a string containing one or more (comma separated) shortened option parameters, where:

    • l:[...]: the locale (e.g. l:en-US, l:fa-ir-u-ca-persian-nu-arabext), see this list for locales, or this page for locale extension keys, or Unicode Technical Standard #35.
    • tzn:[short|long|shortOffset|longOffset|shortGeneric|longGeneric] the format of the timezone name (e.g.: l:en-GB,tzn:short = CET)
    • tz:[...] the time zone (e.g. tz:Europe/Amsterdam), see column TZ database name in this list
    • ds:/ts:[full|long|medium|short] date- and/or time style (e.g. ds:medium)
      • Note: dateStyle can be used with timeStyle and vice versa, but not with other options (e.g. weekday, hour, month, etc.), so these are ignored (in other words: you can't use them in your template: only 'dtf' in a template will actually give you a formatted date cf the date-/timestyle you supplied).
    • e:[long|short|narrow] the (locale specific) era representation (e.g. l:en,e:long: era in the template string is replaced with 'Anno Domini').
    • h12 use 12 hour clock.
    • hrc:[11|12|23|24] The hour cycle to use.
      • Note: in case of a 12 hour clock (h12 or hrc:11/12) OR a locale using a 12 hour clock, dp in the template will be replaced by the (locale specific) day period.

    Spaces are allowed in the moreOptions string, e.g. l: en, tz: Asia / Shanghai, e:long.

Date/Time-units to use in the template string

  • MM: Locale dependent full month name
  • M: Locale dependent abbreviated month name
  • m: Month number (1 - 12),
  • mm: Month number two digits (01 - 12)
  • yyyy: The full year
  • yy: The year (2 digits)
  • WD: Locale dependent long day of week
  • wd: Locale dependent abbreviated day of week
  • d: Date number (1 - 31)
  • dd: Date number 2 digits (01 - 31)
  • h: Hour number (1 - 24)
  • hh: Hour number 2 digits (01 - 24)
  • mi: Minute number (0 - 59),
  • mmi: Minute number (00 - 59),
  • s: Second number (0 - 59)
  • ss: Second number (00 - 59)
  • ms: Milliseconds number (0 - 999),
  • dp: When the locale is in a 12 hour time zone, displays the day period (AM or PM)
  • yn: The year name (used with some calendars, like chinese or tibetan),
  • tz: the time zone (e.g. 'GMT+1')
    • Note the way time zone is displayed depends on the time zone name given (see tzn: in syntax)

Note on numeric vs 2-digit

You would expect that numeric always returns 1 digit, but this is not always the case. It depends on the locale value used. In this library the choice is made to always return 1 digit for d, m, h, mi, and s.

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  • kooiinc