TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.8 • Public • Published


TypeScript transformer which converts TypeScript types to io-ts entities


TypeScript >= 3.5.2

io-ts >= 2.x+

fp-ts >= 2.0.0


To install this package run the following command:

npm i io-ts-transformer io-ts fp-ts

About this project

Io-ts is an awesome library that makes possible runtime type validation in TypeScript. It has many advantages, but there is one fundamental flaw: it makes us duplicate information in our projects, which leads to many other problems. Let's look at this simple structure:

type User = {
    name: string
    age: number

As information about this type will be lost when compiling from TypeScript to JavaScript, we need to describe an io-ts entity that would be able to validate our data at runtime.

import * as t from 'io-ts'

const user = t.type({
  name: t.string,
  age: t.number

This approach has significant disadvantages:

  1. Duplicating the same information in different forms takes time for the developer.

  2. If you need to change TypeScript data type, you must not forget to change the io-ts model too. Otherwise, you can get an elusive bug or vulnerability in the system security.

The solution is automatic compile-time transformation of TypeScript types into io-ts models. Io-ts-transformer does this for you.

Package structure

This package exports 2 functions. One is buildDecoder which is used in TypeScript code to convert TypeScript types into io-ts entities, while the other is a TypeScript custom transformer which is used to compile the buildDecoder function correctly.

Io-ts-transformer already can:

  1. Transform almost all TypeScript types into io-ts models:
  • null, undefined, void, unknown
  • string, boolean and number literals
  • string, boolean and number types
  • arrays, tuples, records, objects and functions
  • type unions and intersections
  • interfaces and recursive types
  1. Compute expressions passed into it.

For example, this expression

buildDecoder<Omit<{ foo: 'bar', bar: number } & { data: string }, 'bar'>>()

will be converted into

import * as t from 'io-ts'

t.type({ foo: t.literal('bar'), data: t.string })
  1. Inject existing io-ts models into a TypeScript type. You can use FromIoTs type provided by io-ts-transformer to specify variables to inject. Then io-ts models, built by io-ts-transformer, will reference the variables passed.
import { withFallback } from 'io-ts-types/lib/withFallback'
import { buildDecoder, FromIoTs } from 'io-ts-transformer'
import * as t from 'io-ts'

const options = t.type({
  logLevel: withFallback(t.string, 'info')

type Config = {
  folder: string
  options: FromIoTs<typeof options>

// const config = t.type({ folder: t.string, options: options })
const config = buildDecoder<Config>()

Don't forget wrapping your models in t.recursion, if you use buildDecoder inside them, and the type passed includes FromIoTs recursive reference to this model. For example, this code will produce a runtime error:

import { buildDecoder, FromIoTs } from 'io-ts-transformer'
import * as t from 'io-ts'

const foo = t.type({ bar: buildDecoder<T>() })

type T = { foo?: FromIoTs<typeof foo> }

// Will produce a runtime error
const decodeResult = foo.decode({ bar: {} })

To avoid this you should wrap foo model in t.recursion:

import { buildDecoder, FromIoTs } from 'io-ts-transformer'
import * as t from 'io-ts'

const foo = t.recursion('foo', () => t.type({ bar: buildDecoder<T>() }))

type T = { foo?: FromIoTs<typeof foo> }

// Now it will work as intended
const decodeResult = foo.decode({ bar: {} })

Io-ts-transformer can't do

  1. Transform classes.

  2. Work with dynamic type parameters, i.e. buildDecoder<T>() in the following code will be converted into t.void as default io-ts entity:

import { buildDecoder } from 'io-ts-transformer'

function convertEntity<T>(entity: T) {
  return buildDecoder<T>()

How to use buildDecoder

import { buildDecoder } from 'io-ts-transformer'

type User = {
  name: string
  age: number

// const usersDecoder = t.array(t.type({ name: t.string, age: t.number }))
const usersDecoder = buildDecoder<Array<User>>()

How to use the custom transformer

Unfortunately, TypeScript itself does not currently provide any easy way to use custom transformers (See The followings are the example usage of the custom transformer.

webpack (with ts-loader or awesome-typescript-loader)

// webpack.config.js
const ioTsTransformer = require('io-ts-transformer/transformer').default

module.exports = {
  // ...
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.ts$/,
        loader: 'ts-loader', // or 'awesome-typescript-loader'
        options: {
          // make sure not to set `transpileOnly: true` here, otherwise it will not work
          getCustomTransformers: program => ({
              before: [

Rollup (with rollup-plugin-typescript2)

// rollup.config.js
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve'
import typescript from 'rollup-plugin-typescript2'
import ioTsTransformer from 'io-ts-transformer/transformer'

export default {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    typescript({ transformers: [service => ({
      before: [ ioTsTransformer(service.getProgram()) ],
      after: []
    })] })


See ttypescript's README for how to use this with module bundlers such as webpack or Rollup.

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    // ...
    "plugins": [
      { "transform": "io-ts-transformer/transformer" }
  // ...

Author's note

This package is implemented as a diploma project, and it probably would be nice to insert a couple of reviews into diploma report from people, who had time to try this package in their own projects. If you want, you can write me at or in Telegram. Don't forget to report bugs you have found. I wish you a pleasant use. With love awerlogus.

Thanks to:

  • Kimamula for his project, where I took some code and readme file parts.
  • My friend Vladimir for checking the grammar of my writings.



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  • awerlogus