A really simple and lightweight ip rate limiter for express.
npm i iplim
Refer to #Options
const iplim = require("iplim")
timeout: 1000 * 60 * 15,
limit: 15,
window: 1000 * 60,
exclude: [],
verbose: false
Static content
You probably wouldn't want to limit requests to your static views.
If you're using
to serve them, this is fine. It will not be affected by the middleware. -
If you are specifying a route for each view (ex:
app.get("/hey", (req, res) => res.sendFile("hey.html"))
), you MUST exclude them from the limiter by providing the exclude array as an option (ex:exclude: ["/hey"]
If you omit parameters, they will be set to their defaults as shown below. These are also documented in the middleware's code.
timeout = 1000 * 60 * 15, //milliseconds the user has to wait after breaching the rules set
limit = 15, //number of requests allowed in the window
window = 1000 * 60, //milliseconds the limit has to reach (ex: 15 requests in 1 minute)
exclude = [], //exclude paths in this array from the limit (ex: "/hey")
verbose = false, //print every process step to the console