This module does not intend to facilitate illegal files transfer. The author may not be taken responsible for any copyright infringement or illegal uses.
irc-xdcc is a node-irc module promises based extension providing xdcc handlers.
It's basically a recode of Indysama node-xdcc / DaVarga node-axdcc.
irc-xdcc provide a promise wrapper for the irc module. It extends the available options with the following:
progressInterval: 1 // [Number(int)] Interval (in seconds) for the progress update event (xdcc-progress) -- Default: 1 destPath: '/path/to/destination' // [String] The destination path for downloads -- Default: module lib path + /downloads -> path.join(__dirname, 'downloads') resume: true // [Boolean] Allow download to be resumed -- Default: true acceptUnpooled: false // [Boolean] Accept unrequested DCC download (accept a DCC download that doesn't match any DCC instance found in _xdccPool array -- Default: false closeConnectionOnDisconnect: true // [Boolean] Defines if active sockets should be closed if the IRC client get disconnected or killed -- Default: true method: 'say' // [String] Defines the method to trigger xdcc bots, either 'say' or 'ctcp' (you can also use 'msg' which is equivalent to 'say') -- Default: 'say' sendCommand: 'XDCC SEND' // [String] the command sent to the bot to initiate the xdcc transfert -- Default: 'XDCC SEND' cancelCommand: 'XDCC CANCEL' // [String] the command sent to the bot to cancel the xdcc transfert -- Default: 'XDCC CANCEL' removeCommand: 'XDCC REMOVE' // [String] the command sent to the bot to cancel a queued transfert -- Default: 'XDCC REMOVE' joinTopicChans: true // [Boolean] automatically rejoin channels mentioned in the topic -- Default: true queuedParser: /queue for pack #? \(""\) in position/ // [RegExp] regexp to parse queue notices/messages -- Default: /queue for pack #?(\d+) \("(\.+)"\) in position/ sendParser: /sending?? pack #? \(""\)/i // [RegExp] regexp to parse send notices/messages -- Default: /sending( you)?( queued)? pack #?(\d+) \("(.+)"\)/i
Instead of using the new irc.Client() method as a construtor, the irc-xdcc module provides a promise wrapper:
// load irc-xdcc modulevar ircXdcc = // set options object ircOptions = userName: 'ircClient' realName: 'irc Client' port: 6697 autoRejoin: true autoConnect: true channels: '#xdcc' '#xdcc-chat' secure: true selfSigned: true certExpired: true stripColors: true encoding: 'UTF-8' // xdcc specific options progressInterval: 5 destPath: './dls' resume: false acceptUnpooled: true closeConnectionOnDisconnect: false // used to store bot instance botInstance ; // construct instance using promise ;
irc-xdcc module extends irc.Client methods with a set of promises:
Add a xdccInstance to the pool and starts xdcc transfer for the provided pack infos ( { botNick: 'xdccBot', packId: 1 } ) where botNick is the xdcc server bot nick and packId, the required pack id.
botInstance ;
Cancel DCC transfer using xdccInstance.
botInstance ;
Cancel DCC transfer instances matching packInfo ({ botNick: 'xdccBot', packId: 1 }).
botInstance ;
Cancel DCC transfer for the specified poolId (xdccInstance.xdccPoolId).
botInstance ;
Returns xdccPool array (where xdccInstances are stored).
botInstance ;
Cancel xdcc transfer and remove xdccInstance from pool.
botInstance ;
Cancel xdcc transfer and remove xdccInstance from pool using its pool id.
botInstance ;
Along with extending irc module option and methods, some events have been added too:
function(channels) {}
Event fired when the irc client is connected and joined all channels specified in the options
function(message[,complement]) {}
Event fired when a method call is erroneous
function(xdccInstance) {}
Fired when a DCC instance has been created (and added to the xdccPool) (see misc. section for xdccInstance info)
function(xdccInstance) {}
Fired when a DCC instance has been removed from xdccPool (see misc. section for xdccInstance info)
function(xdccInstance) {}
Fired when the XDCC SEND command has been sent (see misc. section for xdccInstance info)
function(xdccInstance) {}
Fired when a queue notice has been recieved from the server (see misc. section for xdccInstance info)
function(xdccInstance) {}
Fired when a DCC transfer has been completed (see misc. section for xdccInstance info)
function(xdccInstance) {}
Fired when a DCC transfer has been canceled (see misc. section for xdccInstance info)
function(xdccInstance) {}
Fired when a DCC transfer starts (see misc. section for xdccInstance info)
function(xdccInstance, received) {}
Fired every option.progressInterval seconds during DCC transfer providing the received bytes
function(xdccInstance) {}
Fired when a DCC transfer encounter an error
An xdccInstance is an object containing pieces of information and methods regarding a specific xdcc transfer.
botNick // xdcc server bot nick packId // xdcc pack id server // irc server address started // true if the transfer started already queued // true if the transfer has been queued by the server finished // true if the transfer has been completed canceled // true if an error occured and the cancel/remove command has been send to the server xdccPoolIndex // index of the instance in the internal _xdccPool array resumePos // used to store resume position when an incomplete file is found in the destPath received // number of bytes received progress // progression percentage speed // average download speed (bytes per second) startedAt // process.hrtime() value when the download has been started duration // process.hrtime(startedAt) value when the download has been completed intervalId // progress event setInterval id fileName // xdcc file name command: // last xdcc command recieved from the server (SEND or ACCEPT) ip: // server's ip address port // server's socket port fileSize: // xdcc file size location: // file destination sender // ctcp message emitter (= botNick) target // ctcp message target (= ircClient nick) message // ctcp message params // ctcp parsed parts error // error message/infos
Used to send XDCC SEND command to the bot.
Used to send XDCC CANCEL/REMOVE command to the bot.
Reset xdccInfo
Reset xdccInfo and start again
Refresh instance _xdccPool index and return it
- Indysama for node-xdcc
- DaVarga for node-axdcc
- relisys from for its help (pointing the obvious !)