why npm why
Reflecting on the current state of npm where people install a package with 5 dependencies rather than write a single mathmatical equation to find out whether or not their variable is even or odd. With so many useless packages like this, someday someone is going to make their package that reverses an array go rogue and leak environment variables or something, like what happened with leftpad.
Using npm:
npm i is-useless
In Node.js:
const isuseless = require("is-useless").isuseless;
const isuseless = require("is-useless").isuseless;
console.log(isuseless(process.env.CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER)); // may or may not send to servers for product improvement
Arkanic#3976 on discord
Amazingly doesn't crash when used now (contributed by Arkanic)
Footnote: ZestyLemonade actually has no clue how to use is-true
Added amazing new features that installed more dependencies and slowed everything down without managing to achieved anything useful (contributed by ZestyLemonade)
Package created (contributed by Arkanic)