TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.2 • Public • Published


A powerful typescript library that helps you build your type guards.
The library utilizes the typescript compiler to ensure the type guards are type safe and fast to create.

Some of our built-in types

  • TypeGuard
  • Guarded

Some of our built-in helper functions

  • isType
  • isTuple
  • isUnion
  • isIntersection
  • isArray
  • isInstanceof
  • isOptional
  • isMaybe

Some of our utility type guards

  • isString
  • isStringArray
  • isNumber
  • isDate
  • isNull
  • isUndefined
  • isNil - Utility type for checking for null or undefined

Code Examples


The most basic type - represents a type guard of T

type TypeGuard<T> = (value: unknown) => value is T;


Extracts T out of TypeGuard<T>

type Test = Guarded<TypeGuard<number>>; // number

isType<T>(template): TypeGuard<T>

Helps you create type guards for types and interfaces

type Test = {
	a: number;
	b: string;

const isTest = isType<Test>({
	a: isNumber,
	b: isString,

isTest({ a: 6, b: "Hello" }) // true

isType also supports recursive types by passing a function as an argument

type Tree = {
	value: number;
	left: Tree | null;
	right: Tree | null;

const isTree = isType<Tree>(() => ({
	value: isNumber,
	left: isMaybe(isTree), // isTree is the return type of isType
	right: isMaybe(isTree),

// isTree can also be accessed via the passed function's parameter
const isTree2 = isType<Tree>(isTreeParam => ({
	value: isNumber,
	left: isMaybe(isTreeParam), // isTreeParam === isTree
	right: isMaybe(isTreeParam),

For generic types you would need to create your own type guard generator

type ValueHolder<T> = {
	value: T;

const isValueHolder = <T>(isValue: TypeGuard<T>): TypeGuard<ValueHolder<T>> => {
	return isType<ValueHolder<T>>({
		value: isValue,

const isNumberHolder: TypeGuard<ValueHolder<number>> = isValueHolder(isNumber);

isTuple<T>(template): TypeGuard<T>

Helps you create type guards for tuples

type Record = [number, string?];

const isRecord = isTuple<Record>([isNumber, isOptionalString]);

isRecord([6, "Hello"]) // true
isRecord([6]) // true
isRecord(["Hello", "Bye"]) // false

Just like isType, isTuple supports recursive tuples

type Record = [number, Record | null];

const isRecord = isTuple<Record>(() => [

// isRecord can also be accessed via the function's parameter
const isRecord2 = isTuple<Record>(isRecordParam => [
	isMaybe(isRecordParam), // isRecordParam === isRecord2

isUnion<[T1, T2, ...]>(...guards): TypeGuard<T1 | T2 | ...>

Helps you create type guards for unions

const isNumberOrString: TypeGuard<number | string> = isUnion(isNumber, isString);

isNumberOrString(6) // true
isNumberOrString("Hello") // true
isNumberOrString(new Date()) // false

isIntersection<[T1, T2, ...]>(...guards): TypeGuard<T1 & T2 & ...>

Helps you create type guards for intersections

type A = { a: number };
type B = { b: string };
type C = A & B;

const isA = isType<A>({ a: isNumber });
const isB = isType<B>({ b: isString });

const isC: TypeGuard<C> = isIntersection(isA, isB);

isArray<T>(guard: TypeGuard<T>): TypeGuard<T[]>

Helps you create type guards for arrays

const isNumberArray = isArray(isNumber);

type Test = { a: number };
const isTest = isType<Test>({ a: isNumber });
const isTestArray: TypeGuard<Test[]> = isArray(isTest);

isInstanceof<T>(constructor): TypeGuard<T>

Helps you create type guards for classes

abstract class Animal { }
class Dog extends Animal { }

const isAnimal: TypeGuard<Animal> = isInstanceof(Animal);
const isDog: TypeGuard<Dog> = isInstanceof(Dog);

isOptional<T>(guard: TypeGuard<T>): TypeGuard<T | undefined>

Helps you create type guards for optional types

const isNumberOrUndefined: TypeGuard<number | undefined> = isOptional(isNumber);

isMaybe<T>(guard: TypeGuard<T>): TypeGuard<T | null>

Helps you create type guards for nullable types

const isNumberOrNull: TypeGuard<number | null> = isMaybe(isNumber);

Package Sidebar


npm i isguard-ts





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Last publish


  • razhy04