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1.3.0 • Public • Published


The javascript tooltip plugin without any dependencies

Build Status js-standard-style

Isotip is a small (3kb minified and gzipped) and minimal node module to be included in your browserify (or similar) package for use in the browser. Its only dependencies are ES5 and a browser.

It provides a minimal API to configure markup, location, offset, delays, and more. See the API below for more details.


npm install isotip
bower install isotip

Browser compatibility

Isotip is meant to be IE8+ compatible (with an ES5 shim). If you find otherwise, please open a new issue.


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- click-based tooltips -->
    <div class="tooltip-click" data-tooltip-content="Click-based tooltip"></div>
    <!-- hover-based tooltips -->
    <div class="tooltip-hover" data-tooltip-content="Hover-based tooltip"></div>
    <!-- focus-based tooltips -->
    <div class="tooltip-focus" data-tooltip-content="Focus-based tooltip"></div>
    <!-- bundle that requires isotip, or the standalone version -->
    <script src="/js/bundle.js"></script>
    <script src="/js/isotip/dist/isotip.js"></script>


Isotip (purposefully) has a simple api. It provides a simple helper function to automatically bind certain events and open tooltips when they fire.

Configuring a specific tooltip is done via data attributes on an element.


If you'd like to add a classname to the root tooltip element, set it here.


This sets the main body content of the tooltip into a <p> tag by default with a class of tooltip-content. Content is interpreted as plain text by default. To insert html, set the data-tooltip-html attribute to true.


This sets the title of the tooltip into a <p> tag by default with a class of tooltip-title.


Setting this to true will force Isotip to try and interpret the content as HTML. If it fails, it will interpret the content as plain text.


This sets the position of the tooltip. Options are top, right, bottom, and left. By default, top is used for all tooltips.


This sets the element that the tooltip will be prepended to. By default, this is the <body> element.

Alternatively, programattic creation and destruction of tooltips is available.


This sets the element that will have a scroll event bound to it. If your tooltip is inside a scrolling element (overflow:scroll), you need to add this!.


If set to false, the tooltip will not close unless you do so programmatically with isotip.close(). Normal tooltips will not open until the open one has been closed!

init( config )

The init method provides automatic event binding for tooltips. It sets up delegated event listeners for .tooltip-click, .tooltip-hover, and .tooltip-focus for click, mouseover, and focus events respectively. You can pass in an optional config object to overwrite any of the default options.

var options = {
    html: false, // set to true to always interpret content as HTML
    placement: 'top', // default placement of tooltips
    container: 'body', // default containing element for the tooltip
    scrollContainer: '.scroll-container', // default container for scroll watching
    template: '<div class="tooltip" data-tooltip-target="tooltip"></div>', // default template for the tooltip shell
    removalDelay: 200, // default number of ms before the tooltip is removed
    tooltipOffset: 10, // default number of px the tooltip is offset from the trigger element
    windowPadding: { // window bounds for tooltip repositioning
        top: 10,
        right: 10,
        bottom: 10,
        left: 10
isotip.init( config );

open( trigger, config )

The open method will create the tooltip, insert it into the DOM, and position it in relation to it's trigger. The trigger can be an element or a CSS selector. The object to be passed in will serve as a replacement for the data attributes on the trigger.

var config = {
    className: 'specific-class', // set to add a class to the tooltip
    html: false, // set to true to interpret content as HTML
    placement: 'top', // where to place the tooltip in relation to the trigger
    content: 'Tooltip content', // the content to go into the tooltip,
    title: 'Tooltip title', // the text to go in the title, if any
    container: document.querySelector('.container'), // the container to append the tooltip to
    scrollContainer: document.querySelector('.scroll-container'), // the container to bind the scroll event to
    autoClose: false // set to false if you only want to close the tooltip programmatically. Normal tooltips won't open until the open one has been closed!
}; '.tooltip', config );

close( tooltip )

The close method will remove a tooltip from the DOM. The tooltip to remove should be passed in and can be an element or a CSS selector.

isotip.close( '.tooltip' );

positionTooltip( tooltip, trigger, placement )

The positionTooltip method will re-evaluate the position of a tooltip in relation to it's trigger element. Only the tooltip and trigger need to be passed in, and placement will default to what's been configured by init(). Tooltip and trigger can be either an element or a CSS selector.

isotip.positionTooltip( '.tooltip', '.tooltip-click', 'left' );



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