Contains bare minimum commandline interface (< 100Kb) for using the IzyWare application platform. Checkout https://izyware.com for more information.
If you are using npm (the Node.js package manager) always ensure that your npm is up-to-date by running:
npm update -g npm
Then use:
npm install -g izy
This will put the izy
command in your system path, allowing it to be run from any directory.
If you do not have npm or you would rather install the tool locally just download the .zip file from https://izyware.com or clone the git repository.
NOTE: The tool requires stable Node.js versions >= 2.0.0.
If you have installed the tool using npm, izy
will be in your system path and can be run fom any directory. Try:
izy help
izy sysview
For non npm installations (i.e. downloading the zip file), on windows, use ldo.bat file. On all other platforms (Mac, Unix, etc.) use ldo.sh
So on MacOS or Linux try: ./ldo.sh help
On Windows based platform use: ./ldo.bat help
Module Path Resolution
When an izy command is run from the command line that will have a loadmodule (ldmod) statement, the platform will try to locate the module on the system by searching the local file system for installed Izy packages in the paths defined in thirdparty/config/kernel/extstores/file.js (Module Resolution Paths
When customizing these in the thirdparty/config/kernel/extstores/file.js
, if you decide to use a relative path (i.e. the rel: prefix) please remember that they are relative to the Anchor Path/modtask
of the 'izy' command process.
To see the current Anchor Path
and Module Resolution Paths
configuration, type:
izy sysview
These instructions do not install any packages beyond the command line interface. To recieve help about installing additional packages try the following from the commandline:
izy help
or just visit https://izyware.com
This package was auto-generated using the codegen/console/template
module from the raw command line interface. To republish, use the build tool to auto generate the package.