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jallaify 💫

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Browserify plugin for bundling entire choo applications built with jalla, front- and back-end, into a single file. Especially usefull with serverless platforms, e.g. Zeit, AWS etc.


If you're just using the jalla CLI you'll have to create a server entry file. The equivalent of running jalla index.js would be to create a file as such:

// server.js
var jalla = require('jalla')
var app = jalla('index.js')
module.exports = app.callback()

If you already have a server file you will probably need to make some small changes. Since most serverless platforms expect a single function export, calling server.listen() will not work. E.g. [@now/node][@node/now] expects a function which takes req and res. To comply with Now, you would export app.callback() which will return a function accepting req and res.

// server.js
var jalla = require('jalla')
var app = jalla('index.js')
if (process.env.IS_SERVERLESS) module.exports = app.callback()
else app.listen(8080)

Provide the server entry file to browserify and define jallaify as a plugin.

$ browserify index.js --node --standalone my-app -p jallaify > build.js

Any options provided to jallaify will be forwarded to the compiled jalla app.

$ browserify index.js --node --standalone my-app -p [ jallaify --sw sw.js ] > build.js

The standalone option is required for browserify to actually expose the application export and not just execute the bundled code.

The bundled application is intended to run in production mode (not watching for changes) and serving built assets. Jallaify will make a best effort to infer the serve option but it is good practice to explicitly define it.

var jalla = require('jalla')
var app = jalla('index.js', {
  serve: Boolean(process.env.IS_SERVERLESS)
if (process.env.IS_SERVERLESS) module.exports = app.callback()
else app.listen(8080)

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