JavaScript-Maker CLI
Javascript-Maker is the fastest way to generate the most common code you'll need in an ExpressJS app (Models, Controllers, Services ,Routes, etc.)
npm i -g javascript-maker
Available commands:
* | Command | Alias | Description |
- | js-maker make:model | m:m | Creates or updates a Mongoose Model |
- | js-maker make:controller | m:con | Creates a new controller class and a route for it |
- | js-maker make:crud | m:crud | Generate CRUD operations for a model |
- | js-maker make:auth | m:auth | Generate JWT authentication for a User Model |
- | js-maker debug:router | d:r | Displays the current routes in the project |
- Used Packages: Inquirer.js, Commander.js, CLI Table, Mocha, chai, sinon, sinon-chai, nyc, mocha-sonarqube-reporter, Eslint
- This package is inspired by the PHP bundle: Symfony MakerBundle
Copyright © 2022 Dhia Djobbi. Javascript Maker source code is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License.