
0.1.0 • Public • Published


JCord is an easy to use Discord API Library, Maintained by KevvyCodes


Master: $ npm install --save discord-jcord/jcord
Stable: $ npm install --save jcord


Master: Here!
Stable: Here!


const JCord = require('jcord');

class MyBot extends JCord.Client {
  constructor(options) {
    this.prefix = '!';

const client = new MyBot({ shardCount: 'auto' });

client.on('SHARD_READY', (shard) => console.log(`Shard ${shard.id} has been loaded and ready to receive other events.`));

client.on('READY', () => console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.username}!`));

client.on('MESSAGE_CREATE', (msg) => {
  if (!msg.channel.guild) return;

  let args = msg.content.slice(client.prefix.length).split(/ +/g);
  let cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase();

  if (msg.content.indexOf(client.prefix) !== 0) return;

  if (cmd === 'ping') {
    return msg.channel.createMessage(`Pong! Shard: ${msg.channel.guild.shard.id} Took \`${msg.channel.guild.shard.latency}ms\``);
  } else if (cmd === 'uptime') {
    return msg.channel.createMessage(`My current uptime in ms: \`${client.uptime}ms\``);
  } else if (cmd === 'shardstats') {
Current Shard: ${msg.channel.guild.shard.id}/${client.shardCount - 1}
${client.shards.map(shard => `Shard: ${shard.id} | Latency: ${shard.latency}ms`).join('\n')}

client.initiate('BOT TOKEN');

Here is an example on how to use the Command Creator

const { CommandCreator } = require('jcord');
const client = new CommandCreator({ shardCount: 'auto', defaultPrefix: '!' });

// We can register the commands on each shard so that we are sure it is being loaded/overwritten every time a shard is complete. You can also make this load without waiting for every shard to be finished by moving the code outside of the "SHARD_READY" event

client.on('SHARD_READY', () => {
  client.registerCommand('ping', (msg) => {
    msg.channel.createMessage(`Pong! Took: \`${msg.channel.guild.shard.latency}ms\``)
  }, { guildOnly: true });

  // This command uses our special feature, which is the args handling feature!
  client.registerCommand('greet', (msg, { greeted_user }) => {
    msg.channel.createMessage(`${greeted_user}, ${msg.author} is greeting you! :wave:`);
  }, {
    guildOnly: true,
    args: [
        key: 'greeted_user',
        type: 'User',
        prompt: 'Please mention a user to greet!'

  client.registerCommand('random-number', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], { aliases: [ 'randomNum' ] });

client.on('READY', () => console.log(`Client is now logged in! (${client.user.tag} - ${client.user.id})`));

client.initiate('My Bot Token');

To-Do List

  • [x] Put events into seperate files
  • [x] Add Sharding Support ( Still needs more testing )
  • [x] Add shard latency support
  • [ ] Finish all methods
  • [x] Simple bot creator
  • [ ] Voice soon


  • Caching Problems ( Sometimes ) We're testing the library if we still have the probem
  • Slow login ( Due to the delay )


  • About the Command Creator feature, we're using cache to create commands, but for the guild prefix, you need the package depo installed. If you guys have a much better suggestion for the "database", please open an issue. We need one that is easy to install, create.

  • Sharding is implemented, but might still have issues. We also give a 6.5 Second Delay for shard, meaning Once shard 0 is sent, we will do a timeout of 6.5 seconds before sending a new shard. If the shard fails the connect, it will try to login once more with a delay of 2.5 seconds.

  • Our caching is having slight ( real slight ) problems, and we're trying our best to fix this.

  • Client#fetchAllMembers, if true will take longer to login. It's because it's actually requesting ALL Guild Members the bot is connected to, whether it's offline or not. Meaning all members will be cached, this is a good fix for the caching problem.

  • If you're wondering, "If i use sharding, does the DMs count?". And the answer is yes, DMs are part of the shards, but it is only sent on the first shard, a.k.a Shard 0

  • If your shard amount is more than your bot's guild amount, it will have errors. We suggest using "auto" as the shard parameters, so it we will use the Recommended Shard amount from Discord.

Breaking Changes

  • For adding shards, please use shardCount instead of shards. shards Represents a Store of Shards instead. Example:
const JCord = require('jcord');
const client = new JCord.Client({ shardCount: 2 });
  • For the Command Creator default prefix, please use defaultPrefix instead of prefix. Example:
const JCord = require('jcord');
const client = new JCord.CommandCreator({ shardCount: 'auto', defautPrefix: '!' });
  • We have deprecated Client#start(), please use Client#initiate(). Client#start() can still be used but will show a deprecation warning!

User Requests

  • [x] Args Handler ( Command Creator ) - Whomity
  • [x] Logging Features ( Colored ) - Xignotic

What's new?

  • New Event. We have added a SHARD_LOADING event that will be emitted once a shard is being loaded. The data would return an incomplete shard data, { id: 'Shard Id' }
  • Added 3 new functions for the Client, which includes Xignotic's request for custom logging. They're, log, customLog, rgbLog. You need the chalk module in order for these to work.




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  • kevvycodes