An enhancer for jest it and describe to dynamic skip some suits and tests.
npm install jest-condition --save-dev
set jest config file
"setupTestFrameworkScriptFile": "jest-condition"
if you have your own setupTestFrameworkScriptFile, you should require jest-condition in top of you own setupTestFrameworkScriptFile;
it.condition(true)('test condition', async () => {
// you can also add skip or only after condition when debug
it.condition(true).skip('test condition skip', async () => {
it.condition(true).only('test condition skip', async () => {
describe.condition(true)('describe condition', () => {
describe.condition(true).skip('describe condition skip', () => {
describe.condition(true).only('describe condition skip', () => {
use files in tsconfig.json
"files": [