
1.0.5 • Public • Published


JILM renders your site by evaluating the code in your JILM file, making it pure JS.

Hello world in JILM:

        metadata.meta("", { charset: "utf-8" })
        // Everything is JS. Since *everything* is a function, you need to
        // put a plus for every tag after the first. No semicolons.
        +metadata.title("Hello, world!")
        structure.p("Hello, world!")

There are a few notable classes and functions available to make your JILM experience better out of the box:

wrapper(tag, contents = "", options = {})

Returns the rendered HTML tag with contents. Options are HTML attributes.

Classes (note: all tags take a contents argument and an options argument):

structure class:

  • a
  • article
  • aside
  • body
  • br
  • details
  • div
  • h1
  • h2
  • h3
  • h4
  • h5
  • h6
  • head
  • header
  • hgroup
  • hr
  • html
  • footer
  • nav
  • p
  • section
  • span
  • summary

metadata class:

  • base
  • link
  • meta
  • style
  • title

form class:

  • button
  • datalist
  • fieldset
  • form
  • input
  • keygen
  • label
  • legend
  • meter
  • optgroup
  • option
  • select
  • textarea

formatting class:

  • abbr
  • acronym
  • address
  • b
  • bdi
  • bdo
  • big
  • blockquote
  • center
  • cite
  • code
  • del
  • dfn
  • em
  • i
  • ins
  • kbd
  • mark
  • output
  • pre
  • progress
  • q
  • rp
  • rt
  • ruby
  • s
  • samp
  • small
  • strong
  • sub
  • sup
  • tt
  • u
  • var
  • wbr

list class:

  • dd
  • dl
  • dt
  • li
  • ol
  • menu
  • ul

table class:

  • caption
  • col
  • colgroup
  • table
  • tbody
  • td

scripting class:

  • noscript
  • script

content class:

  • area
  • audio
  • canvas
  • embed
  • figcaption
  • figure
  • frame
  • frameset
  • iframe
  • img
  • map
  • noframes
  • object
  • param
  • source
  • time
  • video

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  • ararouge