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1.14.2 • Public • Published

Hey. Due to the fact that I do not use Angular in my projects, I cannot fix plugin errors in a timely manner. If you want the plugin to develop, send PR or better become a contributor

Jodit Angular Component

npm npm npm

This package is a wrapper around Jodit to make it easier to use in a Angular application.

for contributors

The editor component itselt is located in the jodit-angular folder and packaged into a redistributable package with the ng-packagr tool. A test app has been created with the @angular/cli. It is located in the src directory and a dev server can be started by using the npm start command.


$ npm install jodit-angular


Loading the component

Import the EditorModule from the npm package like this:

import { JoditAngularModule } from 'jodit-angular';

And add it to you application module:

// This might look different depending on how you have set up your app
// but the important part is the imports array
  declarations: [
  imports: [
    JoditAngularModule // <- Important part
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

Using the component in your templates Use the editor in your templates like this:

<jodit-editor [config]="{buttons: 'bold'}"></jodit-editor>

In config you can set all Jodit's options

Note about toolbar buttons override:

Jodit editor apply a different toolbar buttons layout based on width available for the editor itself. So a different width size for editor will show a different buttons layout. The "buttons" config setting in the example above will override only the default toolbar buttons for large widths. If you want to override buttons displayed on all editor sizes use something like this:

      buttons: 'bold,strikethrough,underline,italic'
      buttonsMD: 'bold,strikethrough,underline,italic'
      buttonsSM: 'bold,strikethrough,underline,italic'
      buttonsXS: 'bold,strikethrough,underline,italic'

Event binding

You can also bind editor events via a shorthand prop on the editor, for example:

<jodit-editor (onChange)="handleEvent($event)"></jodit-editor>

Events list

  • onChange
  • onKeydown
  • onMousedown
  • onClick
  • onFocus
  • onPaste
  • onResize
  • onBeforeEnter
  • onBeforeCommand
  • onAfterCommand
  • onAfterExec
  • onAfterPaste
  • onChangeSelection

Where the handler gets called with an object containing the properties event, which is the event object, and editor, which is a reference to the editor.


  • Angular <= 8 use v1.0.*
  • Angular 9 use v1.9.*
  • Angular 10 use v1.10.*
  • Angular 11 use v1.11.*
  • Angular 12 use v1.12.*
  • Angular 13 use v1.13.*
  • Angular 14 use v1.14.*


This package is available under MIT License.




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  • xdan
  • mrelectronick