
10.0.6-rel3 • Public • Published


joi object schema validation with extensions as universal/isomorphic libarary for Node.js and bundled for the browser (babelified and bundled). Includes joi-date-extensions.

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There has been some difficulty in getting a reasonable version of Joi packaged for the browser both due to the size of bundling and with Joi 7.x.x switching to ES6 modules has added additional challenges.

I made a browser build of joi available at joi-browser, but Joi@10 split date functionality into its own package joi-date-extensions, so I also created joi-date-extensions-browser but currently are having trouble when combining joi-browser and joi-date-extensions together.

In the meantime, this build was created which includes joi and joi-date-extensions and works on Node.js and provides a bundle for brower builds.


Moment is a peer dependency so it needs to be installed as well.

npm install joi-full moment
var Joi = require('joi-full'); // includes joi-date-extensions

Note: if you are using webpack with a babel loader you may need to exclude joi-full from being run through babel again.

In your webpack.config.js loaders, add an exclude: [ /joi-full/ ]

Isomorphic / Universal JS - using in browser and on server (Node.js)

The joi-full package.json includes the browser field which directs browser builds to use to the prebuilt dist/joi-full.js


An example of using joi-full with webpack is in examples/webpack-basic

npm install joi-full moment

You might need to add the following to your app's webpack.config.js to enable the package aliasing we configured in package.json

  resolve: {
    packageAlias: 'browser'

Note: if you are using webpack with a babel loader you may need to exclude joi-full from being run through babel again.

In your webpack.config.js loaders, add an exclude: [ /joi-full/ ].

So in your code, you just require joi-full

var Joi = require('joi-full'); // includes joi-date-extensions


You can also use browserify to use joi-full. It should pick up the proper bundled file when it reads joi-full/package.json browser field.

npm install joi-full moment

So in your code, you just require joi-full

var Joi = require('joi-full'); // includes joi-date-extensions

There is an example in examples/browserify-basic.


There are three examples:

  • examples/browserify-basic - uses browserify to bundle joi-full with our src for browser
  • examples/node-basic - use joi-full with node.js
  • examples/webpack-basic - use webpack to bundle joi-full with our src for the browser

To use any of them:

cd examples/___
npm install
npm start


# builds dist/joi-full.js and dist/joi-full.min.js 
npm install
npm run prepublish # when you want to rebuild 


The main discussion about these difficulties has been in this github issue.

See joi-browser for more details on the bundling issues.

Since this package is simply a bundling of the original joi and joi-date-extensions, please discuss defects or suggestions for those packages at:




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  • jeffbski