
0.1.2 • Public • Published


jpegtran engine for spritesmith. It uses jpegtran and gm for lossless crop'n'drop, which allows it to improve the quality on the edges in each image of the sprite.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install jpegtransmith

  spritesmith = require('spritesmith'), // or if using grunt-spritesmith: require('grunt-spritesmith/node_modules/spritesmith/src/smith.js')
  jpegtransmith = require('jpegtransmith');

  spritesmith.addEngine('jpegtransmith', jpegtransmith);

  spritesmith({src: sprites, engine: 'jpegtransmith'}, function handleResult (err, result) {
    result.image; // Binary string representation of image
    result.coordinates; // Object mapping filename to {x, y, width, height} of image; // Object with metadata about spritesheet {width, height}, see Requirements for possible disparities

NOTE: This module is slow, mainly because of jpegtran usage. If you have any suggestion in how to improve speed, open an issue.


jpegtransmith depends on:

  • jpegtran, the download link is at the bottom in section 3, the binary must be globally accessible
  • gm which depends on Graphics Magick.

For this to work, we use a virtual grid of 8x8 blocks. It requires your images dimensions to be multiple of 8, for the jpegtran -drop command to work correctly. If you specify a padding in spritesmith, it must also be a multiple of 8. If your images don't fit this description they will be used as-is but the individual images may be cropped and their generated dimensions will be off by a few pixels (since they will be readjusted to align to 8x8), to correct the second problem you can use this (on grunt-spritesmith):

  var imdDataCache = {};

  // Save the real img data for later use
  jpegtransmith.imageDataMutator = function(imgData){
    imgDataCache[imgData.file] = imgData;

  // grunt config
  // Restore the original width and height
  sprite: {
    my_sprite: {
      // ...
      cssVarMap: function(sprite){
        var imgData = imgDataCache[sprite.source_image];
          sprite.width = imgData.realWidth;
          sprite.height = imgData.realHeight;

Alternatively, you can use ImageMagick which is implicitly discovered if gm is not installed.


This module was built to the specification for all spritesmith modules.

NOTE: This module fails most of the test in spritesmith-engine-test because it only works for JPEG images and it modifies the final size of the sprite by adjusting each image to a 8x8 grid.

canvas['export'](options, cb)

These are options specific jpegtranmsith

  • options Object
    • quality Number: 92 - Quality of each image on a scale from 0 to 100 (All image edges will be in original quality)
    • improvedEdgeSize Number: 8 - The number of pixels from the edge inwards to keep intact for the individual images in the final sprite
    • bg String: black - The background color used on the sprite
    • samplingFactor String: 1x1,1x1,1x1


Take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.


MIT Copyright (c) 2014 Luis Hernandez

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  • sulibautista