Act on jQuery elements only once.
Filters out all elements that had the same filter applied on them before. It can be used to ensure that a function is only applied once to an element.
Method | Installation |
npm | npm install jquery-once --save |
Composer | composer require robloach/jquery-once |
Bower | bower install jquery-once |
Component | component install RobLoach/jquery-once |
jsDelivr | // |
cdnjs | // |
See the API documentation for more information on how to use jQuery Once.
// The following will change the color of each paragraph to red, just once
// for the "changecolor" key.
$('p').once('changecolor').css('color', 'red');
// .once() will return a set of elements that yet to have the once ID
// associated with them. You can return to the original collection set by
// using .end().
.css("color", "blue")
.css("color", "red");
// To execute a function on the once set, you can use jQuery's each().
$('div.calendar').once().each(function() {
// Since there is no once ID provided here, the key will be "once".
- Ensure you are using node >= 4:
node --version
- Install dependencies through npm:
npm install
- Check coding style standard, and automated testing:
npm test
- Build
npm run build
- Update API documentation:
npm run docs
- Tag and publish the new versions to npm with Semantic Versioning:
git add -A
git commit -m "2.3.0"
git tag 2.3.0
git push origin 2.3.0
npm publish
Change Log
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Dual licensed under:
- GPL-2.0
- the incredibly permissive MIT license
Copyright © Rob Loach