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1.0.2 • Public • Published

js-rpc2 Library Introduction

js-rpc2 is a lightweight Remote Procedure Call (RPC) library designed to simplify communication between clients and servers. The library supports various data types, including strings, binary data, objects, arrays, and more, and provides a powerful callback mechanism to provide real-time progress updates during asynchronous operations.

Main Features

  • Easy to Use: Simple API design makes it easy to integrate both the client and server sides.
  • Support for Multiple Data Types: Supports strings, binary data, objects, arrays, and more.
  • Callback Mechanism: Real-time progress updates can be provided through callback functions during asynchronous operations.
  • Flexible Routing Configuration: Supports the Koa framework, allowing you to easily integrate RPC routes into existing Koa applications.
  • Cross-Origin Support: Clients can communicate with servers on different domains via HTTP requests.


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Usage Example

Server Side

import { createServer } from 'http'
import Koa from 'koa'
import Router from 'koa-router'
import { createRpcServerKoaRouter } from 'js-rpc2/src/server.js'

const app = new Koa()
const router = new Router()

class RpcApi {
     * @param {string} string 
     * @param {Uint8Array} buffer 
     * @param {Object} object 
     * @param {null} _null 
     * @param {undefined} _undefined 
     * @param {object[]} array 
     * @param {(arg1:string,arg2:number)=>void} callback 
    async hello(string, buffer, object, _null, _undefined, array, callback) {
        for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            callback('progress : ', i)
            await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
        return [
            `${typeof string}-${typeof buffer}-${typeof object}-${typeof _null}-${typeof _undefined}-${typeof array}`,
            new Uint8Array(3),
            { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 },
            [1, 2, 3, 4],

const extension = new RpcApi()

    path: '/rpc/abc',
    router: router,
    extension: extension,

Client Side

import { createRpcClientHttp } from 'js-rpc2/src/client.js'

/** @type{RpcApi} */
const rpc = createRpcClientHttp({
    url: `/rpc/abc`,                      // in same site html page
    url: ``, // others

let ret = await rpc.hello('123', new Uint8Array(3), { q: 2, w: 3, e: 4 }, null, undefined, [1, 2, 3, 4], (message, num) => {
    console.info('callback', message, num)

Output Example

node --test-name-pattern="^basic$" src/lib.test.js
✔ basic (4.5986ms)
callback progress :  0
callback progress :  1
callback progress :  2
  Uint8Array(3) [ 0, 0, 0 ],
  { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 },
  [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

We hope that js-rpc2 will help you build and manage communication between clients and servers more efficiently.


import { test } from 'node:test'
import { deepStrictEqual, strictEqual } from 'node:assert'
import { createRpcClientHttp, createRpcClientWebSocket, sleep, Uint8Array_from } from './lib.js'
import { createServer } from 'node:http'
import { WebSocketServer } from 'ws'
import Koa from 'koa'
import Router from 'koa-router'
import { createRpcServerKoaRouter, createRpcServerWebSocket } from './server.js'

test('测试RPC调用-WebSocket', async () => {
    // node --test-name-pattern="^测试RPC调用-WebSocket$" src/lib.test.js

    const extension = {
        hello: async function (/** @type {string} */ name) {
            return `hello ${name}`
        callback: async function (/** @type {string} */ name, /** @type {(data: string) => void} */ update) {
            for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                update(`progress ${i}`)
                await sleep(30)
            return `hello callback ${name}`
        callback2: async function (/** @type {string} */ name, /** @type {(data: string, data2:Uint8Array) => void} */ update) {
            for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                update(`progress ${i}`, Uint8Array_from('2345'))
                await sleep(30)
            return `hello callback ${name}`
        buffer: async function (/** @type {Uint8Array} */ buffer) {
            return buffer.slice(3, 8)
        buffer2: async function (/**@type{string}*/string,/** @type {Uint8Array} */ buffer) {
            return ['message:' + string, buffer.slice(3, 8)]
        bigbuffer: async function (/** @type {Uint8Array} */ buffer) {
            return buffer.slice(3)
        array: async function (/** @type {string} */ name,/** @type {Uint8Array} */ buffer) {
            return [123, 'abc', 'hi ' + name, buffer.slice(3, 8)]
        void: async function (/** @type {string} */ name,/** @type {Uint8Array} */ buffer) {
            console.info('call void')

    await runWithAbortController(async (ac) => {
        let server = createServer()
        ac.signal.addEventListener('abort', () => { server.close() })
        let wss = new WebSocketServer({ server })
            path: '/3f1d664e469aa24b54d6bad0d6d869c0',
            wss: wss,
            rpcKey: '11474f3dfbb861700cb6c3864b328311',
            extension: extension,
        await sleep(100)

        /** @type{typeof extension} */
        let client = createRpcClientWebSocket({
            url: `ws://`,
            rpcKey: '11474f3dfbb861700cb6c3864b328311',
            signal: ac.signal,
        await sleep(100)

        let string = await client.hello('asdfghjkl')
        strictEqual(string, 'hello asdfghjkl')

        let stringcallback = await client.callback('asdfghjkl', (progress) => {
            console.info(`client : ${progress}`)
        strictEqual(stringcallback, 'hello callback asdfghjkl')

        let callbackCount = 0
        let stringcallback2 = await client.callback2('asdfghjkl', (progress, buffer) => {
            console.info(`client : ${progress}`, buffer)
        strictEqual(3, callbackCount)
        strictEqual(stringcallback2, 'hello callback asdfghjkl')

        let buffer = Uint8Array_from('qwertyuiop')
        let slice = await client.buffer(buffer)
        deepStrictEqual(slice, buffer.slice(3, 8))

        let slice2 = await client.buffer(new Uint8Array(300000))
        deepStrictEqual(slice2, new Uint8Array(10).slice(3, 8))

        let array = await client.array('asdfghjkl', buffer)
        deepStrictEqual(array, [123, 'abc', 'hi asdfghjkl', buffer.slice(3, 8)])

        let retvoid = await client.void('asdfghjkl', buffer)
        strictEqual(retvoid, undefined)

        let retbuffer2 = await client.buffer2('asdfghjkl', new Uint8Array(300000))
        deepStrictEqual(retbuffer2, ['message:asdfghjkl', new Uint8Array(300).slice(3, 8)])


test('测试RPC调用-KoaRouter', async () => {
    // node --test-name-pattern="^测试RPC调用-KoaRouter$" src/lib.test.js
    const extension = {
        hello: async function (/** @type {string} */ name) {
            return `hello ${name}`
        callback: async function (/** @type {string} */ name, /** @type {(data: string) => void} */ update) {
            for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                update(`progress ${i}`)
                await sleep(30)
            return `hello callback ${name}`
        callback2: async function (/** @type {string} */ name, /** @type {(data: string, data2:Uint8Array) => void} */ update) {
            for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                update(`progress ${i}`, Uint8Array_from('2345'))
                await sleep(30)
            return `hello callback ${name}`
        buffer: async function (/** @type {Uint8Array} */ buffer) {
            return buffer.slice(3, 8)
        array: async function (/** @type {string} */ name,/** @type {Uint8Array} */ buffer) {
            return [123, 'abc', 'hi ' + name, buffer.slice(3, 8)]
        void: async function (/** @type {string} */ name,/** @type {Uint8Array} */ buffer) {
            console.info('call void')

    await runWithAbortController(async (ac) => {
        let server = createServer()
        let app = new Koa()
        let router = new Router()

        ac.signal.addEventListener('abort', () => { server.close() })
            path: '/3f1d664e469aa24b54d6bad0d6d869c0',
            router: router,
            rpcKey: '11474f3dfbb861700cb6c3864b328311',
            extension: extension,

        server.addListener('request', app.callback())

        await sleep(100)

        /** @type{typeof extension} */
        let client = createRpcClientHttp({
            url: ``,
            rpcKey: '11474f3dfbb861700cb6c3864b328311',
            signal: ac.signal,
        await sleep(100)

        let string = await client.hello('asdfghjkl')
        strictEqual(string, 'hello asdfghjkl')

        let callbackCount = 0
        let stringcallback = await client.callback('asdfghjkl', (progress) => {
            console.info(`client : ${progress}`)

        strictEqual(3, callbackCount)
        strictEqual(stringcallback, 'hello callback asdfghjkl')

        let stringcallback2 = await client.callback2('asdfghjkl', (progress, buffer) => {
            console.info(`client : ${progress}`, buffer)
        strictEqual(stringcallback2, 'hello callback asdfghjkl')

        let buffer = Uint8Array_from('qwertyuiop')
        let slice = await client.buffer(buffer)
        deepStrictEqual(slice, buffer.slice(3, 8))

        let array = await client.array('asdfghjkl', buffer)
        deepStrictEqual(array, [123, 'abc', 'hi asdfghjkl', buffer.slice(3, 8)])

        let retvoid = await client.void('asdfghjkl', buffer)
        strictEqual(retvoid, undefined)

 * @param {(ac: AbortController) => Promise<void>} func
export async function runWithAbortController(func) {
    let ac = new AbortController()
    try {
        await func(ac)
        await sleep(1000)
    } finally { ac.abort() }



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  • yuanliwei