
0.1.0 • Public • Published

JavaScript Zrim Proxy Logger


Conatains proxy logger. Help to manage the logger around classes

Default logger

You have 2 ways to define a default logger in you system. You can use the defaultLogger logger function:

const defaultLogger = require('js-zrim-proxy-logger').defaultLogger;
defaultLogger.setDefaultLogger(null, myLogger);

This function only works for the same version of the package. Another solution is to define a global default logger manager.

You must define the default logger manager using :

_.set(global, 'eu.zrimeverything.core.defaultLoggerManager', myDefaultLoggerManager);

This should be the first thing your application is doing.


The logger manager must define a function name getVersion which returns the implementation version. This may help the module to know how to use the manager.

Version 1

The version 1 requires:

  • string getVersion() : returns "1.m.p" with m you minor version and p your patch version.
  • string[] listLoggerNames() : This function returns the list of know logger names
  • Logger getLogger(string|null|undefined) : This function returns the logger
  • string[] listLoggerNames() : List the logger names known or available to use with the given name. In case the name is null or undefined, the function must return the default logger.
  • void setLogger(string|null|undefined, Logger) : This function define a logger for the given name

Proxy logger

The proxy help to define a logger in your code without having the final logger yet defined.

The proxy can also add prefix on you message without having to take care of.

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  • yogo95